Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science
The history of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science originated in 1947, when the Department of Psychology and Logic was organized, and then in 1949 the philosophical and economic faculties opened. The organizer of the Faculty of Philosophy was a graduate of the Institute of the Red Professorship Associate Professor N.P. Dardykin

The history of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science originated in 1947, when the Department of Psychology and Logic was organized, and then in 1949 the philosophical and economic faculties opened. The organizer of the Faculty of Philosophy was a graduate of the Institute of the Red Professorship Associate Professor N.P. Dardykin.
In 1951 the philosophical and economic faculties were merged into the philosophical and economic faculty, which was headed by Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor F.A. Zherebyatyev.
The Faculty of Philosophy and Economics was functioning until 1954 and was closed due to the fact that the prerogative of preparing philosophical personnel was given only to leading universities: Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev State Universities.
The graduates of the Faculty of Philosophy (1954 and 1955) became a generation of professional philosophers of the Kazakh school; it was their efforts in promoting the actual problems of philosophical knowledge.
Among the first graduates of the faculty are Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Philosophy Zh.M. Abdildin, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, A.Kh. Kasimdzhanov, Academicians of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctors of economic sciences Ya.A. Aubakirov, K.A. Sagadiev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor M.S. Azhenov, professor S.T. Temirbekov, as well as G.A. Yugay, Z.A. Mukashev, M.S. Burabaev, Yu.G. Petrash, G.B. Khan, A.I. Ikenov, V.G. Yakovlev, A.A. Aimbetov, V.G. Bryanov, A.D. Azhibaeva, I.S. Khoroshilova and others.
The Faculty of Philosophy and Economics was reopened only in 1968. In 1971-1972, the faculty had the departments of philosophy of humanitarian faculties, philosophy of natural faculties, history of philosophy and logic, ethics, aesthetics and scientific atheism. In subsequent years, new departments were organized: psychology, political science, sociology.
In 1991, the faculty was divided into the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science and the Faculty of Economics and Sociology. In 1997, the Department of Sociology became part of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science.
Over the years, the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science was headed by professors, doctors of philosophical sciences Segizbaev O.A., Kasimzhanov A.Kh., Azhenov M.S., Kasabekov A.K., Doctor of Psychology, Professor Loginova N.A. The deans of the faculty were Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Burkhanov K.N. (Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan) and Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan G. Yesim (Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan). 2007 to 2010 the faculty was headed by Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Shaukenova Z.K. 2010 to 2011 Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Kulsarieva A.T. 2011 to 2021 the faculty was headed by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Masalimova A.R. Currently, the dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science is Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Meirbayev B.B.
Bachelor's degree programs
Training of creative and intellectually independent sociologists with a fundamental approach to the scientific analysis of social institutions, phenomena and processes using modern methods of data collection and analysis, assistance in conducting fundamental and applied sociological research, interpretation of social, demographic, economic information, preparation of reports, analytical notes, professional publications, information materials based on research results.
To provide training of competent specialists capable of synthesizing general professional and specialized knowledge (including innovative ones) into practice in the field of professional psychological activity; to carry out a wide range of applied activities (psychological, counseling, rehabilitation, etc.) in the fields of education, business, healthcare, services, in military and specialized organizations, centers and services
training of specialists who are capable of analyzing and forecasting political processes. The program will allow working in the field of public administration, becoming an expert and consultant in civil society institutions, and a political strategist in election campaigns.
High-quality training of specialists in the field of Cultural Studies, capable of studying, analyzing and giving an objective assessment of socio-cultural facts based on a theoretical and methodological knowledge base, conducting consultations, monitoring, examination, organizing cultural activities in the field of leisure and the formation of corporate culture.
The high-quality training of specialists, religious scholars and theologians who possess theoretical knowledge and have professional skills in conducting research, organizational, managerial and expert-analytical activities in the field of religion, using language knowledge and modern information and communication technologies.
training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel, whose professional activities are aimed at scientific research of ideological, methodological and value problems facing modern society and who are able to independently conduct scientific research and carry out educational activities in higher educational institutions at a level that meets accepted standards; take part in the work of governing bodies in government systems, public organizations, commercial structures for the purpose of scientific and information support for their activities.
Training of competitive, qualified specialists with fundamental knowledge in the field of Islamic studies, having a high level of expert, organizational and scientific activity, in high state and public demand
training of educational psychologists with professional competencies and personal qualities who are able to provide qualified psychological and pedagogical assistance to participants in the educational process
Providing high-quality training of qualified social work professionals who provide social assistance to various categories of clients in difficult life situations, organizing and coordinating social work with individuals and groups in need of special assistance; conducting analytical and research activities; involved in organizational and management activities in the system of social institutions.
Master's degree educational programs
Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of sociology with theoretical and practical skills and competencies in professional activities that meet the requirements of the national and international labor market.
Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel with theoretical and applied knowledge, capable of developing and implementing operational and strategic human resource management systems.
Training of highly qualified masters of psychologists in the field of development, training, motivation, support, maintenance and management of human resources, in demand in the areas of production, entrepreneurship, business, services, education, culture, military and specialized services, social assistance to the population, as well as in government and local government, research and consulting organizations
Training of highly qualified master's degree psychologists capable of implementing scientific, pedagogical, research and psychological activities with children, adolescents and their environment, including diagnosis, counseling, psychocorrection, psychotherapy, support and psychoprophylaxis in the field of child and adolescent psychology.
Training of highly qualified specialists-psychologists in clinical psychology, capable of implementing professional and research activities in clinical-diagnostic, counseling, psychocorrectional, treatment and prevention, rehabilitation, research, and educational organizations
Provide training of competitive specialists for public policy, research and educational activities in higher education institutions in accordance with international academic standards, the latest achievements of political science and related scientific fields
- to provide training of competitive specialists for the sphere of state administration and management, research and educational activities in higher educational institutions in accordance with international academic standards. - graduates should acquire deep systematic knowledge based on a solid theoretical and experimental basis, the latest achievements of strategic planning, public administration and political management, related scientific areas, - to develop professional skills related to the solution of problems of public service and management, public security and the development of political communications. - to ensure the mastery of modern technologies of management in the public service, political analysis and forecasting. - to develop students' ability to independently carry out research, interpret, generalize and critically assess the state of modern state and social problems, make a conscious choice of future professional activities, successfully find a job in the chosen field. - graduates must complete a research project that requires in-depth theoretical and practical and techniques to provide an original result. - graduates should be prepared to study for a degree in any leading University of the Republic of Kazakhstan or other country, the implementation of management functions in public authorities and management, based on the application of knowledge in the field of national, regional and local government and public security.
Training of specialists who have an understanding of the nature of the conflict, its structure, types, causal factors, the specifics of development in various fields and technologies of conflict resolution; the ability to effectively search for information about conflicts and technologies for their resolution; skills of conflict
Training of scientific and pedagogical staff in the field of cultural anthropology, capable of solving scientific problems in the field of cultural anthropological and interdisciplinary research from scientifically grounded methodological positions; to provide teaching of cultural and anthropological disciplines at the university on the basis of in-depth knowledge and generalization of the latest scientific concepts.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Training of competitive high-level specialists capable of independent research, professional and teaching activities in the field of Sociology
To ensure the training of competitive specialists in the field psychology, capable carrying out successfully research activities at the international level, teaching at universities, and engaging in analytical and expert activities in various public life spheres.
training of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel capable of innovative activities in the social sciences, having the necessary competencies for effective performance of professional activities for the analysis, prevention, resolution and management of conflicts and peacekeeping in various spheres of society.
The training of highly qualified scientific and academic personnel with the ability to develop a new conceptual approach to political science, generate original research outcomes, and provide expert, consulting, and analytical services in the field of political affairs.
Training of scientific and pedagogical staff in the field of cultural anthropology, capable of solving scientific problems in the field of cultural anthropological and interdisciplinary research from scientifically grounded methodological positions
to train highly qualified specialists in the fields of state, international, research, teaching, expert, organizational and managerial activities, analytics and consulting.
Training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of Islamic studies.
The purpose of the study program is to prepare highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel capable of research innovative psychological and pedagogical activities, based on an in-depth study of the methodology for psychological, pedagogical science and digital technologies, capable of creating conceptual knowledge, developing science, capable of reasonable presenting to experts through scientific discussions at the international level, using their working language
Preparation of PhD doctors for the academic, scientific sphere, as well as the sphere of public administration, competitive both in the domestic and global labor markets and with the skills to carry out academic activities, conduct research work at the level of world standards, and implement strategic decisions in political and administrative activities .