Baybatyrov Sergeant Yerbatyrovich

15 april, 2024

Last position: Prosecutor of the city of Tekeli, Zhetisu region

Date of birth: 01.01.1980

Place of birth: Almaty region, Alakol district,
village of Karabulak

Languages spoken: Kazakh, Russian

Education, specialty: Al-Farabi Kazakh State National University (1997-2001),law (lawyer)

Academic titles, degree: none

Work experience: 
- from 03.12.2002 to 02/14/2005 Assistant prosecutor of Karatal district of Almaty region;
- since 02/15/2005, Assistant Prosecutor of the Medeu district of Almaty;
- from 31.10.2006 to 07.12.2009, assistant, senior assistant to the prosecutor of the Turksib district of Almaty;
- from 07.12.2009 to 12.28.2012, Prosecutor, Senior Prosecutor of the Department for Supervision of the legality of judicial acts in criminal cases and maintenance of public prosecution in the court of the Prosecutor's Office of the city of Almaty;
- from 12/28/2012 to 10/23/2017, Head of the Department for Supervision of the legality of judicial acts and representation of the interests of the state in criminal cases of the Auezov District Prosecutor's Office of Almaty;
- from 10/23/2017 to 04/06/2022 Deputy Prosecutor of Medeu, Turksib districts of Almaty;
- from 04/06/2022 to 08/08/2022 Deputy Head of the Criminal Prosecution Department of the Almaty City Prosecutor's Office;
- from 08.08.2022 to the present day, the prosecutor of the city of Tekeli, Zhetisu region.

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