Rules for organizing training using distance learning technologies

1.1 These Rules for organizing the educational process on distance learning technologies (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are developed in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”; State educational standard of higher and postgraduate education, approved by order Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 20, 2022 №2 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on July 27, 2022 №28916); Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 20, 2015 №137 "On approval of the requirements for educational organizations to provide distance learning and the rules for organizing the educational process for distance learning and in the form of online learning for educational programs of higher and (or) postgraduate education" (as amended by the order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 06.10.2022 №97); Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 28, 2018 №508 “On approval of the Rules for the recognition of learning outcomes obtained by adults through non-formal education provided by organizations included in the list of recognized organizations providing non-formal education”; with an attachment to the incoming letter №14-4_829-BH dated 07/24/2020 from Astana, MES RK (draft Checklist for the readiness of organizations for the autumn semester of the 2020-2021 academic year (2928179 v1); Academic policy of the Kazakh National University named after al- Farabi (hereinafter - KazNU, University) and determine the procedure for organizing the educational process at the University using distance learning technologies (hereinafter - DET).

1.2 These rules are an internal regulatory document and define the mandatory requirements and procedure for the implementation at KazNU within the framework of credit technology of educational programs of higher and postgraduate education using DET, funded on the basis of the state educational order and on the basis of contracts for the provision of educational services.

1.3 Organization of the educational process using DET is carried out for the development of educational programs by students in accordance with the academic calendar.

1.4 Main tasks of organizing the educational process with the use of DET at the University are:

- individualization of education;

- improving the efficiency (quality) of education;

- provision of educational services to persons for whom traditional forms of education (synchronously with a teacher in the classroom) are inaccessible;

- formation of a unified digital educational space.

1.5 The subjects (participants) of the educational process with the use of DET are students, lecturers, employees of KazNU and other educational organizations.

1.6 The implementation of DET is carried out using network and case technologies.

1.7 The time norms for the types of educational work when planning and organizing the educational process with the use of DET are established in accordance with the approved standards for calculating the teaching load.

1.8 The following terms and definitions are used in these Rules:

academic mobility - use by students or lecturers-researchers during a certain academic period (semester or academic year) of resources and services for training or research with the obligatory transfer of mastered curricula, disciplines in the form of academic credits to continue their studies at other faculties of their university or in another university (domestic or abroad);

academic calendar - a calendar of educational and control events, professional practices during the academic year, indicating the days of rest (holidays and holidays);

Academic Council of the University  -  a collegiate administrative and executive office that determines the legal and organizational foundations of the educational activities of the University (it includes the leadership of the Department of Academic Affairs, deans of faculties);

academic credit - a unified unit for measuring the volume of scientific and (or) educational work (load) of a student and (or) lecturer;

distance learning (learning at a distance) - one of the forms of learning, purposeful and methodically organized management of educational and cognitive activities and the development of persons who are away from educational organizations, through electronic and telecommunication means. Provides the opportunity for continuous learning in an individual mode, regardless of place and time. Distance learning can be synchronous and asynchronous:

synchronous learning (simultaneous, in real time) - requires live communication between the student and the teacher, fellow students at the scheduled time online (webinars, video conferences, chats, via messaging over the Internet);

asynchronous learning (not simultaneous) - students get access to the course content outside the schedule, and according to their own schedule they can complete assignments, communicate through online conversations with the teacher and fellow students, adhering only to the deadlines set by the teacher. The main interaction between the student and the teacher occurs through correspondence, assignments, testing (quiz), video comments and forums (discussions);

information and educational systems of KazNU named after al-Farabi (IES) - an information system for automating the educational process: IS Univer, a distance learning system Moodle, a platform for massive open online courses Open KazNU.

individual curriculum (IC) - a document reflecting the educational trajectory of the student, compiled by the student for each academic year using an advisor based on the educational program and the catalog of elective disciplines;

informal education - training that is carried out independently, while no document is issued reflecting the result of training;

final attestation of students - a procedure carried out in order to determine the degree of mastering by students of the volume of academic disciplines and (or) modules and other types of educational activities provided for by the educational program in accordance with the state compulsory standard of the corresponding level of education;

final control - control of the educational achievements of students in order to assess the quality of their mastering the program of the academic discipline, carried out during the period of intermediate certification in the form of an exam, if the discipline is studied over several academic periods, then the final control can be carried out on the part of the discipline studied in this academic period;

campus course (SPOC, small private online course) - a MOOC variant. A small closed online course that is used in the implementation of formal learning in an organization. Focused on small academic groups. It is an implementation of the “flipped class” model. In this regard, the campus course is aimed at certain groups of students who can take the course and are ready to interact with each other throughout the learning process;

case technology - a technology based on the acquisition of sets (cases) of educational and methodological materials on paper, electronic and other media and sending them to students for self-study;

massive open online course (MOOC - massive open online course) - a training course with massive interactive participation using e-learning technologies and open access via the Internet;

multimedia - digital data represented by a combination of various forms of information (text, video, animated computer graphics, sound, etc.);

non-formal education - educational services that are provided without taking into account the terms and form of training, and are accompanied by the issuance of a document confirming the results of training;

educational portal - system-organized, interconnected set of information resources and Internet services, which contains administrative-academic and educational-methodical information, allows organizing the educational process on DET;

online learning - form of learning through the Internet in real time. During online learning, students can be both in the classroom with the teacher, and anywhere remotely, and learn using digital technologies and digital forms of assessment;

online proctoring - a procedure for verifying, analyzing and controlling the behavior of a student during an online exam to confirm the reliability of the results demonstrated by students;

online educational platform - an open online education portal that provides an opportunity for a student to study online courses of their choice, regardless of place and time;

online course - a form of educational resource based on the principles of distance learning, which is a logically and structurally complete educational unit (includes MOOC and SPOC, etc.);

GED - a cycle of general education disciplines, includes disciplines of a compulsory component, a university component and (or) a component of choice;

"flipped classroom" - a kind of mixed form of learning, in which the educational materials necessary for studying are delivered to students in advance, and classroom time is allotted for interaction between the teacher and students in the form of joint activity;

personal learning environment - a set of educational tools, social services, information resources, subjects of educational activities that create comfortable conditions for the student to learn;

double-degree education program - an educational program based on the comparability and synchronization of programs between partner Universities with the possibility of parallel training in several curricula (educational programs) in order to obtain two equivalent diplomas (Double Major) or one main and second additional diplomas (Major - Minor );

intermediate attestation of students - a procedure carried out during the examination session in order to assess the quality of mastering by students of the content of a part or the entire volume of an academic discipline after completing its study;

learning outcomes - the amount of acquired knowledge, skills, skills, as well as the formed values and attitudes, which are demonstrated by students as a result of mastering an academic discipline, module or educational program, confirmed by the assessment;

rubic control (RC) - control of educational achievements of students upon completion of a section (module) of one academic discipline according to the academic calendar;

certificate - a document confirming the assessment of the student's learning outcomes on the online platform and the number of academic credits (hours) received. A certificate can be a certificate of study, a confirmed certificate or other document officially issued and confirming the fact and results of training on an online educational platform;

networked (mutual) learning - a technology for creating a compatible mutual learning environment in which students teach each other, evaluate tasks completed by each other in an environment of positive interdependence and responsibility; promotes motivation, involvement of students in the educational process, develops communication skills;

network technology - a technology that includes the provision of educational materials, forms of interactive interaction of students with a teacher and with each other, as well as the administration of the educational process based on the use of the Internet;

current control - a systematic test of students' knowledge in accordance with the curriculum, conducted by the teacher in the classroom and extracurricular classes during the academic period;

tutor - a lecturer who acts as an academic consultant to a student in mastering a particular discipline and (or) module and technically accompanies the course;

digital volunteer - a student of the University who acts as an assistant for lecturers / students and provides organizational, informational, methodological support for the learning process using DET at the faculty;

digital content - information content of digital educational materials (texts, graphics, multimedia and other informationally significant content);

digital profile/portfolio - an array of data containing information about the educational, professional or other activities of the subjects of the educational process, presented in electronic form. A digital profile/portfolio can be formed based on a digital footprint;

digital footprint - a unique set of recorded data obtained in the course of the subjects of the educational process performing actions on the Internet using digital devices;

digital educational resources (hereinafter - DER) - didactic materials that provide the study of disciplines in an interactive form: photographs, video clips, virtual interaction platforms, static and dynamic models, virtual reality and interactive modeling objects, sound recordings and other digital educational materials;

adviser - a lecturer who performs the functions of an academic mentor for a student in a relevant educational program, assisting in choosing a learning path (forming an individual curriculum) and mastering an educational program during the period of study;

electronic educational and methodological complex of the discipline (e-EMCD) - a document consisting of a syllabus, a brief summary of lectures, assignments for laboratory, practical and seminar classes, assignments for IWS/IWM/IWD, educational and practical material for independent work on topics and types classes (cases, collections of tasks, articles for analysis, etc.), maps of the methodological support of the discipline, a block of digital content and DER.

1.9.  KazNU named after Al-Farabi allowed the use of DET in relation to:


students who have the conclusion of the medical advisory commission on the state of health;

participants of international, republican training camps, sports competitions, intellectual and creative competitions and festivals for the period of participation;

students in educational programs of higher and (or) postgraduate education under academic mobility programs;

students in double-diploma programs and student exchange programs;

training with the use of DOT can also be applied to students in other cases not listed above, based on the presentation of the faculty with a reasoned justification and the decision of the Academic Council of the University, when full-time education is impossible.


1.10 The maximum allowable amount for transfer to DET in KazNU are:


The maximum amount for transfer to DOT from the total amount of academic credits for the entire period of study


students who have the conclusion of the medical advisory commission on the state of health

Not more than 50%


participants of international, republican training camps, sports competitions, intellectual and creative competitions and festivals for the period of participation

Not more than 50%


for the preparation of students under academic mobility programs

Not more than 20%


to prepare students for double-diploma programs and student exchange programs

Not more than 50%


individual disciplines through non-formal adult education, including through MOOCs

Not more than 20%


for training personnel in educational programs in the fields of pedagogical sciences, law, aviation equipment and technologies, construction, marine equipment and technologies, healthcare, military affairs

Not more than 20%


for training personnel in other areas

Not more than 50%

1.11 DET are applied in all forms of education provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including in relation to non-formal, informal, additional education, retraining and advanced training, including in foreign languages.

1.12 Students of postgraduate education programs using DET master credits of only educational components or academic disciplines.

1.13 During training with the use of DET, monitoring of student compliance with the discipline and (or) module in the process of mastering the educational program, the level of participation in the educational process and attendance is carried out by collecting a digital footprint and forming a digital profile;

1.14 The sources of digital profile data can be:

- information entered by the subject himself about her/his activities, assessment of the effectiveness of training, etc.;

- automated recording and transmission of data from digital educational platforms for online learning or assessment/diagnostics;

- automated fixation and transmission of data, or links to them during the work of students and the accumulation of data in development / communication environments;

- technological solutions for collecting biometric data.

1.15 If the formation of expected learning outcomes allows or involves the use of DET, then in the educational process, together with traditional methods, distance learning methods can be implemented: pedagogical technologies with more flexible and individualized standards, procedures for diagnosing and monitoring educational achievements, implemented through information and communication technologies.


2.1 With the complete transition to DET for students specified in clause 1.9, the organization of the educational process using DET is carried out by the Office of academic and digital innovations (hereinafter referred to as OA&DI) on the basis of the curricula of educational programs, the academic calendar, schedules of training sessions and other regulatory documents provided in OA&DI Office of the organization of educational programs (hereinafter - OOEP).

With distance learning, the complexity of academic disciplines and types of educational work is preserved in accordance with the current educational program.

2.2 Organization of education using DET for the persons specified in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1.9 is carried out at the request of the student, parent or other legal representative of the student on the basis of the order of the Member of the Board - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, based on the conclusion of the medical advisory commission on the state of health, according to the form, approved by the order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 30, 2020 №KR DSM-175/2020 “On approval of forms of accounting documentation in the region” (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts under № 21579).

The period and duration of distance learning is determined on the basis of medical indications and the conclusion of the medical advisory commission.

When teaching persons with special educational needs, DET is implemented using the reception and transmission of information in forms accessible to these persons.

2.3 Organization of training using DET for the persons specified in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 1.9 is carried out at the request of the student, parent or other legal representative of the student on the basis of an order of the Member of the Board-projector for academic issues, and on the basis of an order (letter) of an authorized state body or organization confirming participation studying in international, republican training camps, sports competitions, intellectual and creative competitions, festivals for the period of participation, indicating the terms.

2.4 Direction for participation in academic mobility, financed from the state budget, is carried out in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 19, 2008 № 613 “On approval of the Rules for the direction for studying abroad, including within the framework of academic mobility dated November 19, 2008 .2008” and Regulations on academic mobility of the University.

2 5 Organization of training using DET for persons participating in academic mobility programs, double-diploma programs and student exchange programs (clauses 3.4 of clause 1.9) is carried out on the basis of a student issued by the Office of student (for undergraduate or graduate studies) or by the Office of training and certification of scientific personnel (for doctoral students ) an order for a business trip abroad and individual training schedules indicating the disciplines that will be studied remotely. At the same time, after the issuance of an order for a business trip abroad, students cannot refuse the disciplines that were planned for training using DET.

The study schedule and the application for DET training are submitted to the OA&DI one week before the start of the DET training period.

In emergency situations of a social, natural and man-made nature, including the prevention and treatment of diseases of the population, sanitary and anti-epidemic and sanitary and preventive measures, it is allowed for students to study more than the amount of academic credits reflected in clause 1.10 using distance learning under academic mobility programs and in the implementation of double-diploma and (or) joint programs.

2.6 Organization of training with the use of DET for persons under restrictive measures, including quarantine, emergency situations of a social, natural and man-made nature, is carried out in accordance with the order of the Chairman of the Board - the Rector on the transition to DET based on the recommendation of the authorized body in the field of education.

2.7 When studying under restrictive measures, including quarantine, adverse weather conditions, emergency situations of social, natural and man-made nature, on the recommendation of the authorized body in the field of education, it is envisaged:

- lack of training sessions conducted through the interaction of the lecturer with the student in the classroom;

- organization of industrial training and (or) professional practice completely or partially remotely with indirect (at a distance) interaction with the leaders of the practice, depending on the specifics of the specialties.

This provides the use of virtual laboratories, simulators, simulators, allowing students to master professional competencies.

OOEP makes changes to the schedule of the educational process in terms of determining the timing of the passage of industrial training, educational and industrial practices without prejudice to the total amount of hours established by the curriculum.

2.8 The pedagogical practice of students and the discipline "Physical Education" are transferred to DET only when studying under restrictive measures, including quarantine, social, natural and man-made emergencies.

2.9. Under the conditions of restrictive measures, including quarantine, social, natural and man-made emergencies, professional practice, research and experimental work, laboratory and studio classes, which cannot be carried out online, are transferred to subsequent academic periods when switching to distance learning.

2.10. Students using DET:

- independently study training courses with the help of electronic educational and methodological complexes of disciplines (hereinafter - e-EMCD) and DER uploaded on the educational portals of the University;

- attend distance learning sessions in synchronous and (or) asynchronous mode according to the approved schedule;

- pass all types of control (current, boundary, final control) according to the academic calendar of the University.

2.11 In the event that students using DET cannot download IES the results of completing assignments in accordance with the deadlines set by the lecturer, they notify the faculty adviser in charge about thissituation, and upon returning and restoring to study, the faculty organizes the working off of missed assignments.

In the event that the faculty was not notified in advance of the impossibility of submitting assignments by students, the possibility of working out is not provided.

2.12 At KazNU named after al-Farabi to check educational achievements of students using DET are required to conduct classes in synchronous and asynchronous modes:

- in synchronous mode - the process of educational interaction, in which communication between the teacher and the student takes place at the scheduled time, simultaneously during a video conference using the interactive element of Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, Skype, online testing services;

- in asynchronous mode - the process of educational interaction, in which communication between the teacher and the student does not occur simultaneously, for example, the work of the student on the instructions of the teacher (project tasks, solving cases, writing essays, etc.), in exceptional cases (only in the case of a long lack of access, for more than three days, to the official educational platforms of the University) by e-mail, in accordance with the deadlines approved by the teacher, followed by passing the boundary and (or) final control) in accordance with the academic calendar.

2.13. The current control of progress and the final control of educational achievements of students using DET is carried out in accordance with the "Academic Policy of the University", "Rules for the final control (examination session)", "Instructions for conducting final control using DET" and other internal regulatory documents of the University.

2.14. To conduct final control - in the absence of an online proctoring system and the impossibility of conducting final control using other forms of checking learning outcomes implemented using DET, students using DET take final exams in disciplines in the traditional form in accordance with the Rules for conducting final control (examination session).

3.1. Organization of the educational process with the use of DET is carried out by OA&DI together with the graduating faculty department in the presence of the necessary digital educational resources hosted on one of the following platforms:

- learning management system MOODLE (hereinafter - LMS Moodle);

- MOOC educational online platform of KazNU al-Farabi (

- in case of lack of access to the platforms specified in paragraphs. 1.2, clause 3.1, in agreement with the OA&DI, the educational process with DET can be carried out in personal learning environments (Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, etc.)

3.2 The University implements MOOCs on its own or on other online platforms approved by the Faculty Academic Councils. Before being placed on the online platform of the University, MOOCs must necessarily pass an educational and methodological examination and approbation organized by the OA&DI KazNU.

3.3 The OA&DI ensures the placement of the developed MOOC on the online platform, registration, training and ongoing monitoring of students, issues a certificate indicating the name of the University, the last name and initials of the student, the last name and initials of the author of the course, the date of issue of the certificate, the name of the course and the amount of credits and / or hours .

3.4. For the organization of the educational process using DET, the faculties, in collaboration with the OA&DI, must provide the staff with:

- equipment with internet access;

- access to software for developing DER in accordance with the educational program. The structure and content of DER are determined independently by the respective department.

3.5 To implement the educational process using DET at OA&DI of University:

- organize training for teachers, tutors, digital volunteers, and staff involved in the implementation of the educational process using DET;

- provide assistance to the faculty in developing and updating DER;

- ensure the management of education using DET through appropriate network systems;

- facilitate the identification of the students and participants through an authentication system (if available);

- facilitate interaction between participants in the educational process through DET (forums, chats, video, and audio conferences);

- provide methodological, technical, and informational support for the implementation of the educational process using DET.

3.6. To implement DET on a commercial basis (for students enrolled in specific training programs, external participants, etc.), the faculty responsible for this type of education must submit the following documents to OA&DI one calendar month before the start of the educational process:

- decree from a member of the Board of Directors - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, indicating the launch dates of the commercial educational program and the list of enrolled students (through the University's electronic document management system);

- academic calendar;

- curriculum;

- approved budget, provided by the member of the Board of Directors - Vice-Rector for Financial Affairs, detailing the remuneration for OA&DI staff for technical support of the educational process under the agreements for paid educational services.

- educational program passport.

- syllabi for each discipline, including details of the distance learning component.

- schedule for the educational process.

3.7. Before the start of the period of DET, the lecturers of the disciplines are required to upload the following materials to the Moodle LMS:

- full sets of e-EMCD in accordance with the requirements of the educational program;

- assessment tasks for ongoing evaluation and DER for the respective period of education using DET.

3.8. During the theoretical learning phase, students study their subjects through an electronic distance learning system, where they have access to all educational materials (lecture summaries, video lectures, presentations), assignments (tests, written tasks, group discussions), and the opportunity for synchronous (chat, audio-video conferences) and asynchronous (messaging, discussion forums) consultations with lecturers.

3.9. The final assessment for educational programs implemented using DET is conducted remotely only when an online proctoring system is available, in cases of extraordinary situations of social, natural, and man-made emergencies, including public health protection and treatment measures, sanitary and epidemiological activities, and preventive measures.

3.10. Students who undergo DET are eligible for the final assessment (FA) if they obtain a minimum of 50 points based on the results of interim assessments (RC1 + RC2) / 2. The maximum score for the final exam is 100 points. The final grade for the discipline is calculated using the following formula: ((RC1 + RC2) / 2 * 0.6 + (FA * 0.4).

3.11. Students undergoing DET, who are abroad on official business trips, will take their final exams at the University upon their return and after resuming their studies.

3.12. Examinations for students who have returned from international business trips will be scheduled after the issuance of an order for their return, which is processed based on the student's personal application. The student will take exams for the subjects studied through distance learning in accordance with the instructions provided by the dean of the faculty.

3.13. The duration of theoretical learning for students who participate in international internships and study DET depends on the period of each student's internship.

4.1.  The structural unit of the University responsible for the organizational, methodological, informational, and technical support of the educational process with the application of DOT is the Office of Academical and Digital Innovations (OA&DI).

4.2 The main tasks of the OA&DI include:

- defining priority directions for the development of the University's educational activities in the field of open and distance education.

- organizing and implementing academic and digital innovations, including Computer-Based Training (CBT), into the educational process to enhance the effectiveness of the learning process in accordance with the current regulations.

- developing online platforms for open and distance education at the University.

- providing fee-based consulting services, training services, and other services to external organizations related to the implementation of academic and digital innovations in the educational process.

4.3 OA&DI carries out the following functions in its activities:

- establishing connections with educational and other organizations in the field of academic and digital innovations;

- summarizing, developing, and utilizing advanced experiences in implementing academic and digital innovations at all levels of education;

- Initiating and overseeing the implementation of CBT in educational process;

- organizing and supervising the development and uploading of online courses (MOOC and SPOC), as well as the development of CBT;

- organizing and supervising the integration of online courses and CBT into educational programs;

- organizing and supervising the evaluation of online courses;

- maintaining a registry of online courses;

- organizing and overseeing the activities of professors, teachers, and students in the field of open and distance learning in the University's information and educational systems and personal learning environments;

- providing scientific, methodological, technological, information, and expert support for the University's open and distance education system;

- organizing and implementing professional development programs for faculty and students of the University in the field of academic and digital innovations;

- implementing domestic and international projects and programs in the field of open and distance education;

- implementing professional development programs for various categories of staff, scientific and educational personnel, and students of external organizations, enterprises, institutions, and individuals in the use of innovative educational technologies, issuing relevant certificates.

The list of the main types of OA&DI activities is not exhaustive and may be additionally specified and detailed in the University's normative documents. OA&DI plans its activities and determines the directions and perspectives of development based on the needs of providing training for specialists in areas corresponding to OA&DI's profile of activities.

4.4 OA&DI provides methodological and technological support for the development and launch of online courses on educational online platforms Moodle LMS and Open KazNU. It performs the following tasks:

- participating in the development and publication of online courses on the platforms;

- organizing the evaluation of massive open online courses for placement on the platform and usage in the educational process;

- conducting training and professional development programs for various categories of staff, scientific and educational personnel, as well as individuals from enterprises, organizations, and institutions regarding the use of innovative educational technologies, issuing relevant certificates;

- organizing the blended learning process, which combines traditional teaching methods with the use of online courses for all forms of education, allowing students to study part of the material through online courses;

- supporting the quality control system of education with the use of distance and online technologies at KazNU;

- coordinating the current control and intermediate assessment of students together with the authors of online courses;

- issuing certificates to participants upon the successful completion of online courses;

- maintaining the functionality of software used in the educational process with the application of distance and online technologies (platforms and;

- monitoring and analyzing users' activity in the learning management system with the application of distance and online technologies;

- developing local regulatory documents related to the use of online courses in the University's educational process;

- providing consultative and organizational assistance in the educational process with the application of distance and online technologies;

- offering statistical reporting on the results of the implementation of online courses in the educational process.

4.5 When a university lecturer transitions courses to be taught using DET, they are required to:

- attend training on working with DET provided by the staff of OA&DI;

- Develop an e-courseware e-EMCD, including CBT, for the relevant course according to the requirements for developing distance courses, and upload it to the University's digital educational platform one week before the start of the course with DET;

- if the lecturer chooses any Information and Educational System (IOS) or personal learning environment, they must upload the e-courseware of the discipline in the University's Univer Information System (IS) or fill out an electronic syllabus indicating the selected platforms for each type of class;

- if access to the Univer IS or the Moodle LMS is unavailable, the lecturer should fully upload the e-courseware of the discipline, including CBT and links to external electronic resources (e-textbooks, multimedia learning programs, reference systems, virtual laboratory workshops, computer-based testing systems, etc.), or utilize an online course platform;

- regularly access the distance learning system to conduct video conferences and webinars in accordance with the approved schedule, assess written works, grade completed assignments, and provide feedback to the learners;

- provide video recordings of lectures with corresponding links in the University's IS (Univer, Moodle LMS) or personal learning environments (Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom, etc.);

- if the final examination for the discipline is conducted using DET, lecturer should develop examination materials and tasks and upload them to the Moodle LMS or Univer IS.

- during any assessment activities related to evaluating expected learning outcomes, the lecturer must adhere to the University's academic integrity rules and fulfill identity verification requirements for learners based on approved methodological recommendations.

4.6. Students using DET are required to have regular access to a personal computer or mobile device with internet connectivity at a speed of at least 512 kbps. Additionally, they need computer multimedia equipment, such as a webcam and a headset, to participate in webinars. 

4.7.  Students using DET are obligated to:

- familiarize themselves with the approved syllabus of the discipline;

- master the course material using the provided digital educational resources in accordance with the approved syllabus;

- attend video lectures and participate in seminars and practical sessions as per the approved schedule and methodology developed by the instructor;

- submit the results of their assignments to the instructor through the Moodle LMS or, in case of no access to it, through the Univer IS or personal learning environments, following the approved submission schedule;

- during any assessment activities related to evaluating expected learning outcomes, students must adhere to the University's academic integrity rules and fulfill identity verification requirements based on biometric data/personal documents.

4.8.  For the support of the learning process on the online platform of Massive Open Online Courses (Open KazNU), an online course tutor is appointed - a lecturer who does not hold a managerial position.


4.9   Functions of an online course tutor include:

- working under the guidance of specialists from OA&DI;

- configuring deadlines for test assignments throughout the entire duration of the online course, in accordance with the discipline's syllabus, before the course's launch;

- providing information support for registration on the Open KazNU online platform and enrolling students in the online course database;

- allocating registered students into educational groups;

- advising students and course instructors on all aspects of online learning (via email, phone, and online communication);

- engaging in interactive interactions with students on the forum in the "Discussion" tab;

- regularly notifying students about the launch of the next module and other course-related news using the "Email" tab;

- monitoring the students' progress and conducting final assessments;

- collaborating with the course author to update the online course content at least once every 3 years;

- collaborating with the course author to make decisions about discontinuing the online course if it becomes outdated or irrelevant.

4.10 To assist in organizing the educational process using DET at the University, a working group of digital volunteers (hereinafter referred to as "volunteers") may be formed at KazNU by the decision of the OA&DI. Typically, the volunteers are selected from among the University's students.

4.11 The functions of a volunteer include:

- providing technical and methodological support to faculty and students in using Educational Technology (EdTech) in the educational process.

- assisting the OA&DI in organizing and conducting training sessions, seminars, and professional development courses for instructors and students on working with MOOC platforms and the Moodle LMS.

- actively contributing to the development of online education and Educational Technology at the University.

- monitoring quantitative and qualitative indicators related to the implementation of distance learning using EdTech.

- preparing recommendations for the OA&DI to enhance the effectiveness of using online education and Educational Technology.

- participating in events to inform students and University staff about the objectives, tasks, and new digital tools for distance learning.

5.1 Responsibility for the quality of e-EMCD and DER in disciplines that utilize DET lies with the respective academic departments.

5.2. The Academic Committee for the Quality of Education and Teaching and the Office of Educational Programs Design Office of the University (OEPD) carry out the quality assurance assessment of educational and methodological materials of e-EMCD and DER.

5.3.  The OA&DI together with the OEPD are developing requirements for the educational content of the course that are mandatory for everyone. The requirements should include criteria for:

  • Quality assessment of the content;
  • Determination of workload;
  • Accessibility and clarity of the content;
  • Course formatting, taking into account the interests of the students;
  • All traditional Academic Policy requirements presented considering the specifics of the distance format and online learning (attendance, visual etiquette, timeliness and methods of informing, makeup classes, frequency of assessments).

5.4.   Approved procedure for content quality assessment (reviewing). The OA&DI in collaboration with the OEPD must ensure independent content quality reviewing or a collaborative form of quality assessment. Develop:

  •  Procedure for identifying discrepancies in course content quality requirements  and their rectification;
  • Procedure for students’ assessment of content quality at all stages of the course.

5.5 Information about the course and the instructor. Course developers are required to provide:

  • A complete course description with all academic details (credits, frequency, format, cycle, connections to other courses).
  • Full information about the instructor: the instructor's curriculum vitae (CV), their rating from the previous academic year, reviews from students from previous academic periods.

5.6. Course Catalog. OA&DI publishes the course catalog one month prior to the start of the registration period.

5.7. Course syllabus has the status of "student agreement": it is officially recognized that requirements not specified in the syllabus do not have legal force. Arbitrary changes to the syllabus are prohibited and are logged, not only recording the fact of syllabus publication, but also its replacement (with a new file, file editing, etc.).

5.8 Standard Syllabus. Conciseness. OEPD approves a standard (minimal) syllabus specifying all necessary types of information, which should not contain any excess (redundant) details.

5.9. Balance between general requirements and teaching methodology flexibility. All syllabus requirements are divided into general (universal) and author-specific (lecturer-specific). The university defines only the universal requirements in terms of maintaining the academic autonomy of the instructor.

5.10. Course Policy. The syllabus outlines the course policy (lecturer's main requirements), which should not contradict the University's Academic Policy.

5.11. Learning Format. The syllabus describes the learning format (blended, 100% online, etc.).

5.12. Timing. In the syllabus, all thematic modules are distributed across weeks. All assessment have specific dates (according to the current year's calendar). Specific dates for all types of deadlines are also set according to the current year's calendar.

5.13. Course Structure. The syllabus outlines the course structure – the precise sequence of thematic units, modules, etc.

5.14. Criterion-Based Assessment. The syllabus must describe the requirements for competency assessment levels specific to the course (A, B, C, D, F). Describing template-like (universal) criteria without tying them to the course's competencies and specific thematic units of the course is not allowed. Types of evidence (indicators) for achieving a certain competency level are described. Placing a competency matrix without indicating the method for assessing their achievement is not allowed.

5.15. Academic Integrity. The syllabus should outline the requirements of the academic integrity policy and the consequences of its violation. A zero-tolerance policy toward academic dishonesty is established.

5.16. Feedback. The syllabus should describe the methods of providing feedback, with specific time periods, types of feedback, and response deadlines indicated.

5.17. Resources and References. The syllabus should provide a comprehensive list of resources and references available to students within the course. All resources and references must be provided either by the university or lector themself. The university's library catalog identifier or a hyperlink should be provided when access to the source is available.

5.18. Publication. A syllabus of appropriate quality is published simultaneously with the start of course registration or in advance.

5.19. Content Pacing. The entire course content should be paced in a way that ensures comfortable learning in line with the realistic workload of the student considering the overall semester load. Reading materials should have pre-fragmented content. Posting a full-text source without specifying the range (boundaries) of relevant information for a specific topic (module) is not allowed. Video materials are also constrained by timing.

5.20. Coherence. Thematic units (blocks, modules) should be logically sequential and correspond to the prerequisite learning of course components or be synchronized with other courses.

5.21. Diversity. Course developers must ensure the application of a full range of content types and assessment methods in strict alignment with the principle of maximizing the effectiveness of mastering specific topics and achieving specific competencies. Likewise, neither template-like nor overly diverse content types are permissible, unless justified by instructional goals.

5.22. Assessment. The format and frequency of assessment are tightly aligned with the course objectives, excluding formats that encourage cheating (recall-based tests, unchecked text submissions, etc.). It incorporates measures to ensure result authenticity - synchronization to prevent alternating cooperation among students, time limitations, comprehensive task nature, project-based format, etc.

5.23. Style and Formatting. Course developers and experts ensure a consistent academic style of presenting information, including requirements for fonts, font sizes, margins, graphic element sizes, color schemes, citation styles, structure of typical documents, and presentation design.

5.24. Format. OA&DI ensures the adherence to a consistent format for recording video lectures and establishes a studio for recording such lectures. Video lectures must be well-structured and contribute to achieving educational program outcomes. Didactic materials (presentations, practical/lab assignments, self-study materials) should accompany the video lectures. Video lectures should be emotionally engaging, and their content should be interactive. Video lectures should be uploaded to the university's educational online platform at the beginning of the academic term, following the finalization of the instructor's teaching load.

5.25. Content. The content of video lectures is logically structured and divided into sections, subsections (videos divided into meaningful segments lasting 3-9 minutes each). The video includes checkpoints or questions related to the lecture topic. The video lecture emphasizes key points in the material, covers the content of the lesson topic, and summarizes the main takeaways.

5.26. Quality Control. OA&DI ensures technical, methodological, and substantive analysis of the videos. Video lectures are incorporated into the educational process after being recommended for use by specialists from the Institute.

5.27. Student Collaboration. OA&DI, in collaboration with course developers, must facilitate the opportunity for group discussions on thematic blocks and contentious (challenging) questions. The instructor ensures moderation of the discussions.

5.28. Self-Assessment. The course provides the opportunity for students to use peer assessment tools at least once during the course.

5.29. Consistency. The course instructor ensures consistent feedback, with specific periods allocated for answering questions and online consultations.

5.30. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). At the end of the course or after assessment events, lecturer is obligated to compile and analyze the most frequently asked questions or common mistakes and provide detailed answers within the course framework.

5.31. Timely Grading. Lecturer and OA&DI ensure timely grading within the instructional week after the assessment event. The precise time of grade assignment is logged, and violations lead to consequences (such as grade annulment, grade shifting, instructor accountability, etc.).

5.32. Progress Analysis. Students could track their personal progress in mastering the course, understanding which specific competencies they have not achieved and require reinforcement.

6.1  Technical specification for hosting materials of a massive open online course and platform's instructional requirements:


Volume of material


Welcome (introductory) module with video

Video duration should not exceed 3 minutes.


Measurable learning objectives listed on the course description page

Not less than 3


The course should be presented in a student-oriented language and be accessible to a diverse audience from different countries.

Meets/Does not meet


The course includes a list of supplementary materials for those who wish to delve deeper into the topic.

Open internet sources and libraries

Textbooks and instructional materials


In each module (topic), there are discussion questions.

At least 1


In each module (topic), there are practice questions (self-assessment, automated).

At least 10


The presence of a presentation.

One for each video (no less than 8 slides each).


The presence of a summary or outline.

One for each video/topic.


Duration of the course

(correlation with academic hours)

Not less than 4 and not more than 15 weeks

Not less than 20 and not more than 180 hours of content


Assignments for assessment for each module/topic (excluding the introductory one).

At least 1


Workload per week / per participant

(approximate calculation based on the number of minutes of video, assuming 1 academic hour is no less than 5 and no more than 12 minutes of video).

Not less than 2 and not more than 5 hours.


Duration of 1 video clip

3-9 minutes


Duration of videos (total) / per week

Not less than 15 and not more than 30 minutes


Test tasks

Not less than 3 practice and 10 assessed questions for each module.

Technical requirements for the video in the course:

Video recording should be done using professional video equipment with the following video track parameters:

  • File format (container) - MP4;
  • Codec - H.264;
  • Resolution - 1920 x 1080 (1080p);
  • Aspect ratio - 16:9;
  • Frame rate 25 or 30 frames per second;
  • Progressive scan (25p \ 30p);
  • Bitrate not less than 10,000 kbps but not more than 30,000 kbps.


  • Codec: AAC, AC3, OGG, mp3.
  • Channels: 2 (stereo).
  • Sampling frequency: 48 kHz.
  • Audio stream: CBR not less than 192 kbps, VBR in the range of 160-320 kbps.

Quality characteristics of the audio track:

  • The audio track should be in real stereo mode, where the instructor's voice is localized strictly between the left and right channels. Sound effects, noises, music can be in a similar mode or can be implemented in full stereophonic mode depending on artistic and technical requirements.
  • The stereophonic track should be technically implemented considering the possibility of playback on monophonic equipment. The correlation meter value should correspond to "0" +/-0.5.
  • Signal-to-noise ratio should be not less than 40 dB.
  • The dynamic range of the useful signal (whisper/loud speech) should be no more than 16 dB.
  • The average RMS volume level should be from -14 dB to -12 dB.
  • Peak volume level should be limited to -2 dB.

Quality characteristics of the video:

  • It is recommended to use a sans-serif font.
  • It is not recommended to use more than 2 fonts in the course.
  • Bullets should be consistent throughout the course.
  • For increased readability, use contrasting color combinations of text and background.
  • It is not recommended to use more than 3 font colors in the course.
  • Avoid using contrasting font colors within a single sentence or paragraph, table.
  • If background color is needed for tables, avoid using contrasting colors relative to the main background; slight shades in a lighter or darker direction are sufficient.
  • The thickness of borders, table lines, arrows should correspond to the font line thickness.
  • Use photographic, drawn, animated material in a unified color scheme within the course, with consistent frames and shadows.
  • Recommend using icons and infographics.
  • To provide a natural viewing experience, avoid stitching (montage) scenes of different scales.
  • During filming, avoid using contrasting, vibrant elements of clothing and makeup.
  • During video recordings of the instructor, avoid using checkered clothing and clothing with stripes.
  • Slides for video lectures should have a title font size of 20 pt and main text font size of 18 pt.
  • Image size (pictures) should be at least 1280x720p (HD).
  • Images should be in PNG format.
  • All third-party materials used in the course must have a CC Attribution license.
  • Next to each borrowed image (graphics, infographics, photo, reproduction, etc.), a mandatory link to the source must be provided.
  • After verification by the QA department, links can be moved to the last slide of the presentation in the "List of Used Sources."