
011 Педагогика и психология   

014 Подготовка педагогов с предметной специализацией общего развития 

015 Подготовка педагогов по естественнонаучным предметам  

016 Подготовка педагогов по гуманитарным предметам 

017 Подготовка педагогов по языкам и литературе 

018 Подготовка специалистов по социальной педагогике и самопознанию  

Академический персонал

1. Мадиева Галия Баянжановна - доцент, заместитель заведующего кафедрой физической культуры и спорта, координатор ОП «7М01401-Физическая культура и спорт», «8Д01401-Физическая культура и спорт».

Работодатели по месту назначения

1. Байдосова Данара Кабденовна - заместитель директора Республиканской специализированной школы-интерната-колледжа олимпийского резерва имени К.Ахметова.


1. Жолдасбек Айгерим Жалгасбеккызы – студентка 3 курса ОП «Физическая культура и спорт».

Академический персонал

2. Кулмурзаева Ляиля Рахуловна - и.о. доцента, координатор ОП "7МО1504 - Биология".

Работодатели по месту назначения

2. Мункеева Гульмира Бахытбековна – директор Назарбаев Интеллектуальной школы химико-биологического направления г. Алматы.


2. Айткалиева Жансая Айдынкызы – студентка 2 курса бакалавриата ОП «7МО1504 – Биология».

Academic staff

3. Ponomarenko Oksana Ivanovna - Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry, coordinator of the EP "7M01503 - Chemistry";

4.Kudreyeva Leyla Kadirsizovna deputy dean, methodologist.

Employers by destination

3. Gulmira Bakhytbekovna Munkeeva - Director of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Chemistry and Biology in Almaty.


3. Ziyatkhan Marzhan Asilkhankyzy - 2nd year undergraduate student of EP "7M01503-Chemistry".

Academic staff

5. Aliya Malikovna Kudaibergenova - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management, coordinator of the EP “7M01105-Pedagogy. Management in education”, methodologist;

6. Alchimbaeva Aigul Bakytzhanovna - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Innovation, Coordinator of the EP "7M01102 - Pedagogy and Psychology" (double diploma with RUDN University);

7. Muratbayeva Gulnar Abylkasimovna - Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management, coordinator of the EP "7M01101 - Pedagogy and Psychology", "7M01107 Pedagogical Measurements";

8.Mukasheva Anar Beketbaevna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management, coordinator of the EP "7M01106 - Medical and pedagogical support of inclusive education"; "7M01103 - Modern technologies in the context of inclusive education";

9. Mynbaeva Aigerim Kazievna Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor; Head of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, coordinator of the EP "8D01101 - Pedagogy and Psychology";

10.Baktybaev Zhanat Shaymuratovich, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of the department of pedagogy and educational management, coordinator of the EP "7M01802 - Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge", "8D01801 - Social Pedagogy and Self-Knowledge";

11. Ertargynkyzy Dinara, PhD, acting Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management, coordinator of the EP "7M01803-Social Pedagogy"

Employers by destination

4. Pak Oleg Vladimirovich - Director of the school. Chokan Valikhanov, Almaty;

5. Aitpaeva Zhanat Zhenisbekovna - Director of KSU "Center for the identification and support of gifted children and talented youth "Almaty daryny" of the Department of Education of the city of Almaty.


4. Shapambayeva Aidana Nasriddinovna - 2nd year doctoral student of the EP "8D01101 - Pedagogy and Psychology".

Academic staff

19. Kartabayeva Yerke Tamabekovna - PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department of World History, Historiography and Source Studies, coordinator of the EP "7M01601 - History", "7M01602 - History and Geography";

20.Uderbayeva Saule Karibaevna - candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, methodologist.

Employers by destination

8. Sadvakasova Raisa Azhdarovna - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Director of JSC "National Center for Advanced Studies "Orleu" of the Institute for Advanced Training of Pedagogical Workers in Almaty.


8. Uzbekhan Alua Edіgekyzy - 1st year undergraduate student of EP "7M01602 - History and Geography".

Academic staff

21. Orazymbetova Kulzira Shalkarovna - Ph.D., Art. teacher of the department of geography, land management and cadastre, coordinator of the EP "7M01505-Geography", "8D01503 - Geography".

Employers by destination

9. Payzov Yermek Serikovich - Director of the Nazarbayev Intellectual School of Physics and Mathematics in Almaty.


9. Isman Shyngys Kurymbayuly - 1st year undergraduate student of EP "7M01505-Geography".

Academic staff

22. Turganbayeva Alma Rymbekovna - Art. teacher of the Department of Computer Science, coordinator of the EP "7M01502 - Informatics".

Employers by destination

10. Bektemesov Maktagali Abdimazhitovich - Vice-Rector of NAO "KazNPU named after. Abay”, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor.


10. Bolyskhanova Madina Zhakiyaevna - 3rd year doctoral student of the EP "8D01502 - Informatics";

11. Torebek Saniya Dosymkyzy - 2nd year undergraduate student of the EP "7M01502 - Informatics".

Academic staff

23. Turekhanova Kundyz Momynovna, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Art. lecturer at the Department of Plasma Physics, Nanotechnology and Computer Physics, coordinator of the EP "7M01501 - Physics", "8D01501 - Physics".

Employers by destination

11. Kungozhin Almaz Mukhambetovich - Director of NAO "Republican Physics and Mathematics School of Almaty".


12. Arymbekov Beken Sagatbekovich - 2nd year doctoral student of the EP "8D01501-Physics".

Academic staff

12. Tattimbetova Kuralay Omirlanovna - Head of the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature, coordinator of the EP "7M01702 - Russian Language and Literature", "7M01703 - Russian Language and Literature" (double diploma with PFUR), "8D01704 - Russian Language and Literature", "8D01703 - Russian Literature” (double diploma with RUDN University);

13. Mambetova Manshuk Kudaibergenovna - acting Associate Professor of the Department of Turkic Studies and Theory of Language, coordinator of the EP: “7M01704 - Foreign language: two foreign languages”, “7M01704- Foreign language: two foreign languages” (1.5 years), “7M01705- Foreign language: two foreign languages” ( double degree with RUDN),

"8D01705- Foreign language: two foreign languages";

14. Sarbasov Bolatkhan Sergazyevich - Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Acting professor of the department of Kazakh literature and theory of literature, coordinator of the EP "7M01701 - Kazakh language and literature", "8D01701 - Kazakh language and literature";

15. Edrenova Nazgul Tilepbergenovna - methodologist of the Department of Russian Philology and World Literature;

16. Bayazitov Baқytkhozha Baigozhaұly - methodologist of the department of Kazakh literature and theory of literature;

17.Rysbekkyzy Nazerke - Methodist of the Department of Turkology and Theory of Language;

18. Myrzakhmet Makpal Zhunuskyzy - Art. teacher of the foreign language department coordinator for DOT.

Employers by destination

6. Ospanbek Bulbul Rasbekovna - Director of KSU "Gymnasium No. 15"

7. Omirkhanov Yerzhan Nurlanuly - Director of the Republican Specialized Boarding School for Gifted Children named after Abay.


5. Aden Zhansaya Shukirkyzy - 2nd year doctoral student of the EP "8D01704 - Russian Language and Literature";

6. Nuraly Aibergen Seyilkhanuly - 2nd year undergraduate student of the EP "7M01701 - Kazakh language and literature";

7. Abdikarova Ramina Rakhmyatzhanovna - 2nd year undergraduate student of the EP "7M01704 - Foreign language: two foreign languages".