To ensure control over the educational process and improve the quality of education for the 2022-2023 academic year, the "Committee for Educational Quality" is approved with the following composition:

Committee Chair:

Mamyrbekova Saltanat Apbasovna, PhD

Committee Members:

  1. Kupeshova Saule Teleukhanovna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer
  2. Tazhieva Samal Kozhakhmetovna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
  3. Karalidze Gela Vladislavovich - Doctor of Business Administration
  4. Zhagiparova Zhanar Amangel'dinovna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
  5. Usataeva Gainel Meirtaevna - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor
  6. Shakirova Gulnara Amangel'dievna - Doctor of Business Administration, General Director of "ID-GROUP"
  7. Dzhumabekova Aliya Aidarovna - 2nd-year doctoral student in "8D04104 - Business Administration"