During the academic year 2022-2023, in order to monitor the quality of education and improve the educational process at the faculty, the "Faculty Committee for Educational Quality" will be established and composed as follows:

1. Ibraeva A.S. - Vice Dean, Professor
2. Baimakhanova D.M. - Vice Dean, Professor
3. Erkinbaeva L.K. - Vice Dean, Professor
4. Berdibaeva A. - Vice Dean, Professor
5. Nurakhmetova G. - Vice Dean, Professor
6. Tapalova R.B. - Vice Dean, Professor
7. Nusipova L.B. - Senior Lecturer
8. Dusebalieva S.D. - Vice Dean, Professor at K. Dosmukhamedov Atyrau State University
9. Myrzabekov O.S. - Head of Almaty City Police Department
10. Nurpeisov D.K. - Vice Dean, Professor, Advisor to the Head of the "Astana" International Financial Center JSC
11. Boranbaev A.K. - Head of Soty Agricultural District in Medeu District, Almaty City
12. Galikaidarov D. - 3rd year student
13. Ongdash A. - 4th year student
14. Apsimet N. - 2nd year master's student