To ensure control over the educational process and improve the quality of teaching for the academic year 2022-2023, the "Committee for Education and Teaching Quality" is to be established with the following composition:

Academic Committee Chairperson:
1. Mashimbaeva Gulmira Amangel'dievna, PhD, Associate Professor
   Department of International Law
   Contact: +77077138285

Members of the Academic Committee:
2. Buyzheeva Bakhyt Zadievna, PhD, Associate Professor
   Department of International Relations and World Economy
   Contact: +77025500282

3. Kulbaeva Almagul Tleuovna, PhD, Senior Lecturer
   Department of International Relations and World Economy
   Contact: +77789084286

4. Idrysheva Zhazira Kuanyshevna, PhD, Senior Lecturer
   Department of International Relations and World Economy
   Contact: +77017374438

5. Medukhanova Lyazipa Alikhanovna, PhD, Senior Lecturer
   Department of International Relations and World Economy
   Contact: +77075182725

6. Nysanbekova Lyazat Begimzhanovna, Acting Associate Professor
   Department of International Law
   Contact: +77015553581

7. Altaeva K.Zh., PhD, Associate Professor
   Department of International Law
   Contact: +77017385047

8. Tusupova A.Zh., PhD, Senior Lecturer
   Department of International Law
   Contact: +77778921771

9. Smagulova A.S., PhD, Senior Lecturer
   Department of Diplomatic Translation
   Contact: 87011674373

10. Murzagaliyeva M.K., PhD, Senior Lecturer
    Department of Diplomatic Translation
    Contact: 87772907553

11. Alipbaeva A.A., Senior Lecturer
    Department of Diplomatic Translation
    Contact: 87088407413

12. Nasyrov Kamran Kerimogly
    1st-year doctoral student in the field of International Relations
    Contact: 87085487116

13. Orynbekova Ayganym Akbarqyzy
    3rd-year student in the field of World Economy

14. Aliakbarova Zhannur Nurlanqyzy
    2nd-year student in the field of International Law
    Contact: +77075022947

15. Myrzagaliyeva Nargiz Kenzheevna
    2nd-year student in the field of Translation in International and Legal Relations
    Contact: +77761618998