Regarding the establishment of the Academic Committee on Education and Teaching Quality at the Faculty and the approval of its composition.

Agenda: Dean Galeeva A.K.'s announcement about the establishment of the Academic Committee on Education and Teaching Quality at the Faculty and the approval of its composition.


Create the Academic Committee on Education and Teaching Quality at the Faculty and approve the following composition:

Chairperson: Syzdykova Leila Ibrashovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical, Colloid Chemistry, and Rare Earth Element Technology.

  1. Abdulkarimova Roza Gabdullovna, Professor of the Department of Chemical Physics and Materials Science.
  2. Ashkeeva Raushan Kopshilevna, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry.
  3. Kenesova Zarina Anvarovna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Organic Substances, Natural Compounds, and Polymers.
  4. Kumargalieva Saltanat Shoraevna, Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical, Colloid Chemistry, and Rare Earth Element Technology.
  5. Mamutova Alua Asabaevna, Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Organic Substances, Natural Compounds, and Polymers.
  6. Musabekova Altynai Abilkkenovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Analytical, Colloid Chemistry, and Rare Earth Element Technology.
  7. Ongarbayev Erdos Kalimullaevich, Professor of the Department of Chemical Physics and Materials Science.
  8. Ryskaliyeva Roza Gabdrahimovna, Associate Professor of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry.
  9. Tashmukhambetova Zhanetta Khalilovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry, Catalysis, and Petrochemistry.
  10. Tleuberdinova Aruzhan Amangeldinovna, Student, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, 4th year, 6B07103 - Chemical Technology of Inorganic Substances.
  11. Sardan Balausa Muratkizy, 1st-year Master's student, specializing in 7M01503 - Chemistry.
  12. Abdrasilova Al'bina Kanatovna, 2nd-year doctoral student, specializing in 8D07101 - Petrochemistry.