To ensure control over the educational process and improve the quality of education for the 2022-2023 academic year, the "Quality of Education Committee" is approved with the following composition:

Mashimbaeva Gulmira Amangel'diyevna, PhD, Associate Professor Department of International Law +77077138285

Members of the Academic Committee

  1. Buyzheeva Bakhyt Zadievna, PhD, Associate Professor Department of International Relations and World Economy +77025500282
  2. Kulbaeva Almagul Tleuovna, PhD, Senior Lecturer Department of International Relations and World Economy +77789084286
  3. Idrysheva Zhazira Kuanyshevna, PhD, Senior Lecturer Department of International Relations and World Economy +77017374438
  4. Medukhanova Lyazipa Alikenovna, PhD, Senior Lecturer Department of International Relations and World Economy +77075182725
  5. Nysanbekova Lyazat Begimzhanovna, PhD, Acting Associate Professor Department of International Law +77015553581
  6. Altaeva K.Zh., PhD, Associate Professor Department of International Law +77017385047
  7. Tusupova A.Zh., PhD, Senior Lecturer Department of International Law +77778921771
  8. Smagulova A.S., PhD, Senior Lecturer Department of Diplomatic Translation 87011674373
  9. Murzagaliyeva M.K., PhD, Senior Lecturer Department of Diplomatic Translation 87772907553
  10. Alipbaeva A.A., Senior Lecturer Department of Diplomatic Translation 87088407413