Department of fundamental Medicine

The department provides instruction of fundamental medical disciplines – molecular and cell biology, medical genetics, medical biophysics, histology, normal and pathological anatomy, normal and pathological physiology, etc. – to HSM students of all specializations. The teaching staff of the department is represented by 78 teachers, including: 5 doctors of medical sciences, 1 doctor of biological sciences, 29 teachers with PhD or candidate of medical sciences degree, 39 masters.

Sarsenova Lazzat

Head of the department

Sarsenova Lazzat

Department contacts

History of the department

The teaching staff of the department is represented by 78 teachers, including: 5 doctors of medical sciences, 1 doctor of biological sciences, 29 teachers with PhD or candidate of medical sciences degree, 39 masters.
      The Department of Fundamental Medicine as part of the Graduate School of Medicine of Al-Farabi KazNU was established in 2018.The Department of Fundamental Medicine is distinguished by a high concentration of young qualified teachers who studied at leading foreign universities, who know innovations both in the educational process and in scientific activity.Starting from the 1st year, practice-oriented, student-centered teaching using active methods is being introduced into the educational process.

Grant and foreign projects