Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Evidence-Based Medicine

The Department of epidemiology, biostatistics and evidence-based medicine was founded in December 2015 by the decision of the Academic Council of the al-Farabi Kazakh national University. The main activities of the Department are educational, research, consulting and expert in the field of biostatistics and statistical data processing of scientific research, health information systems, evidence-based medicine, methodology of systematic reviews, protocols and recommendations, evaluation of health technologies, research methodology, research management, methods of management decision - making in health care, methods of teaching in adult education.

Aliya Ualiyeva

Head of the department

Aliya Ualiyeva

Department contacts

History of the department

The mission of the Department is to develop human resources-competitive and in-demand specialists in the national and international labor markets, with a high level of professional culture, having an active civil position, being able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems and able to successfully conduct research and management activities.

 The purpose of the Department is to prepare bachelors, masters and PhD students in the field of public health in accordance with high academic standards; to provide students with fundamental knowledge at the interface between different Sciences, ensuring their professional mobility in the real developing world; to develop skills for organizing and conducting research in doctoral studies.

Grant and foreign projects