Farabi University

Faculty of physics and technology


The main direction of scientific research of the department is the physics of thermal and molecular phenomena. Lecturers and researchers of the department are engaged in theoretical and experimental studies of aerodynamics and heat and mass transfer of laminar and turbulent flows, diffusion and heat conduction phenomena of single and multicomponent gases and liquids in isothermal and nonisothermal conditions, studying the laws of combustion processes and their practical applications.

Bolegenova S.A.

Head of the department

Bolegenova S.A.


+7 (727) 377-33-33 (15-43)




Department contacts


+7 (727) 377-33-33 int.(15-43)


Address of Department: 

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty city, 71, al-Farabi ave.,


Building 12, Faculty of Physics and Technology, 3rd Floor, 317 room.

History of the department

The Department of Thermophysics is the successor to the former Department of General Physics, which was organized in 1934 since the establishment of the Kazakh State University. The Department of General Physics is the founder of all the other departments of our faculty.

From 1934 to 1949, the department was headed by its founder, professor V.F. Litvinov is an organizer of research in atmospheric physics in the city of Alma-Ata and Zailiysky Alatau, in 1936 an astronomical observatory was organized at the department, which was later transferred to the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. 

In 1949-1951 The department was headed by Assoc. Yu.A. Sokolov, who made a great contribution to the strengthening and development of the department.

In 1951, the department was headed by a student of academician Ioffe A.F., professor L.A., who arrived from Moscow. Vulis is the founder of the scientific school of Kazakhstani physicists working in the field of thermodynamics, thermophysics and gas dynamics. Their scientific topics were united by a common problem - “Investigation of transport processes”, and the department became known as the Department of General and Molecular Physics. More than 40 candidates of sciences, after the departure of Professor L.A. Vulisa in 1962, continued the work he had begun. These are doctors of sciences V.P. Kashkarov, N.D. Kosov, B.P. Ustimenko, K.E. Dzhaugashtin, A.T. Lukyanov, Sh.A. Ershin, Z.B. Sakipov, B.A. Aliyarov, associate professors S.I. Isatayev, V.A. Potseluyko, V.V. Ronzhin, A.T. Trofimenko, T.K. Mironenko, L.Yu. Artyukh and others.

In the period from 1962 to 1972. the department was divided into two. One is for teaching physics at the Faculty of Physics, the Department of General Physics and Molecular Physics (head of department. ND Kosov), the second - department of physics (head of department of Associate Professor N.U. Isaev and Associate Professor V.A. Kiss), for teaching in other natural faculties of the university.

In 1972, three departments were organized on the basis of these two departments: the Department of General Physics and the Methods of Teaching Physics (Head of the Department. Associate Professor EA Isabaev), the Department of Molecular Physics (later Thermophysics), headed by Professor N.D. Kosov, Department of Physical Hydrodynamics - headed by Professor V.P. Kashkarov.

From 1976-1979 The department of general physics and methods of teaching physics was led by an assistant professor. S.P. Pak, and since 1979, one of the first students of Professor L.A. Vulis, prof. S.I.Isataev In 1986, the department of the methodology of teaching physics was separated from the department and the department was returned to its former name - the department of general physics.

In 1994, two departments related to the profile: the Department of Physical Hydrodynamics and the Department of Thermophysics were combined into one department of Thermophysics and Molecular Physics, which also included part of the teachers and employees of the Department of General Physics. The head was appointed prof. S.I. Isatayev.

Since 2002, the department was headed by Professor A.S. Askarova. The main direction of scientific research of the department is the physics of thermal and molecular phenomena. Teachers and researchers of the department are engaged in theoretical and experimental studies of aerodynamics and heat and mass transfer of laminar and turbulent flows, diffusion and thermal conductivity phenomena of one and many component gases and liquids in isothermal and non-isothermal conditions, studying the laws of combustion processes and their practical applications. In November 2002, in connection with the transfer of A.S. Askarova to the vacated post of dean of the Faculty of Physics, the head of the department was appointed associate professor I.V. Loktionova, continuing the best traditions of the department. 

The department in 2010 was renamed the Department of Thermophysics, Standardization and Metrology and Professor Askarova A.S. was appointed head. The department provides training in the following specialties: physics (bachelor's and master's degrees), thermophysics, hydroaerodynamics, low-temperature physics.
   Over the past half century, from graduates of the Department of Thermophysics, more than 200 people have defended their dissertations, of which 26 became doctors of science.

 In 2011, the Department of Thermophysics, Standardization and Metrology was renamed the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics, which is headed by S. Bolegenova.  Bolegenova S.A. - Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor, scholarship holder of the State scholarship of the Republic of Kazakhstan for talented young scientists. Winner of the grant "The best teacher of the university" - 2007. He teaches general and special courses: "Numerical methods of thermophysics", "Physics of combustion and explosion", "Physics of reacting systems", "Thermophysics of rheological liquids", "Thermophysics of conductive media", supervises theses students and master's theses. Research interests: numerical modeling of turbulent flows, turbulent combustion of gases. He has over 100 scientific publications.

Grant and foreign projects


Mass open online courses

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Training programs

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Hirsch index

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Teaching staff awards

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Scientists of the department

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Монография LAP Lambert Academic Publishing "Химически реагирующие турбулентные газовые струи"

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