Faculty of Information Technology


The Department of Computer Sciences is full of qualified specialists, full of innovations, leading students to new initiatives. At present, the department is preparing students in the "Computer Sciences" and "Computer Engineering" specialties to become real specialists in their field.

Satymbekov Maxatbek

Head of the department

Satymbekov Maxatbek


Department contacts

Address: al-Farabi ave., 71/23, Faculty of Information Technologies, room 226
Phone: +7 (727) 2211577

History of the department

Today, it is difficult to imagine a field of human activity where modern digital and communication technologies are not used. It is no secret that our future largely depends on the creation of new information technologies, the constant development of digital and communication tools, which, in turn, is determined by the level of technical training of graduates of computing and information specialties of universities.

The presence of a department of such a profile in the al-Farabi Kazakh National University was dictated and is dictated by the dictates of the time, the ever-increasing influence and application of digital information technologies in all spheres of human activity, and the need to expand the training of IT specialists in various fields.
So, in November 2001, the Department of Computer Science was organized. At the origins of its creation was the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor G. T. Balakaeva, who was the first head of the department and headed it in the period from 2001 to 2006. Under her leadership, a team, a curriculum, programs were created, and for the first time, students were recruited for the specialties "Computer Science","Computer Engineering and Software".

Grant and foreign projects