Department of Nursing
Department of Nursing was established in August 2024 as a result of the transformation of the nursing course of the Department of Fundamental Medicine of the Higher School of Medicine in order to provide a multi-level system for training nursing specialists based on integrated academic bachelor's, master's and PhD programs in nursing, including accelerated bachelor's programs that enable working nurses to obtain higher and postgraduate nursing education. The department's staff actively works in all areas: educational, research, methodological, educational, social, consulting and expert activities in the field of nursing, nursing science, medical pedagogy, healthcare management and global health.
Head of Department
Ospanova Dinara Almakhanovna
Department contacts
Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, 050040 Al-Farabi Ave., 71
History of the department
The Department of Nursing was established in August 2024 as a result of the transformation of the nursing course of the Department of Fundamental Medicine of the Higher School of Medicine. Since the organization of the course, the department has been headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Dinara Almakhanovna Ospanova.
In the 2020/21 academic year, 120 bachelors studied at the nursing course. Already in the 2024/25 academic year, 1,560 students are studying in bachelor's degree educational programs in the specialty "Nursing".
In 2021, the department opened postgraduate education programs, two master's degree educational programs were approved. On the basis of the department, 18 people have completed their studies in master's degree educational programs and 13 master's degree students are studying. Currently, the Department of Nursing offers the following educational programs included in the register of educational programs of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
• "6B10101 - Nursing"
• "6B10112 - Academic SD with mentoring skills"
• "7M10121 - Nursing" specialized direction
• "7M10122 - Nursing (Quality Management)" scientific and pedagogical direction
• "7M10123 - Quality Management in Healthcare" scientific and pedagogical direction
• "7M101xx - Global Health" scientific and pedagogical direction
The faculty of the department is implementing 2 international projects within the framework of Erasmus +:
618868-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP Building Academic Capacity in Global Health in the Eastern Europe - Central Asia Region (BACE);
618860-EPP-1-2020-1-EL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP License, Master of Professional Development and Distance Learning for Quality Management and Risk Assessment in Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan – LMQS.
The department staff actively works in all areas: educational, research, methodological, educational, social, consulting and expert activities in the field of nursing, nursing science, healthcare management and global health.
The teaching staff of the department consists of 42 employees, including Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Raushan Binomovna Isayeva; Doctor of Medical Sciences Karzhaubaeva Sholpan Estemesovna; as well as 8 candidates of medical sciences, 32 masters of medical sciences. Currently, both Kazakhstani students and foreign students, in particular from China and Turkmenistan, study at the department.