Higher School of Economics and Business
Dear friends, we are glad to welcome you to the Higher School of Economics and Business! Higher School of Economics and Business KazNU named after. al-Farabi is: historically the first and largest forge of highly qualified economists in Kazakhstan, opened in 1949, and served as the basis for the creation of the Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy in 1963; annually graduating 500 bachelors, masters and PhDs in economics and business, management and marketing, finance and accounting; a team of highly professional teachers, numbering 20 doctors of science, 45 candidates of science, 10 PhD; combination of classical university traditions with modern teaching technologies; involvement of students in scientific research, scientific continuity and scientific schools, developing in close cooperation with the Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

Dauliyeva Galiya Rakhmetovna
050038, Almaty, Al-Farabi avenue 71, the main academic building3 B,
- Founded in 1949, the first Dean was the Honored scientist of Kazakhstan, professor Fyodor Zherebyatyev.
- The biggest and oldest center of high qualified personnel training in the Republic of Kazakhstan, master and PhD’s on a wide range of economic programs.
- Faculty and staff consist of venerable and young scientists , who continue scientific traditions and schools of well-known Kazakhstan economists, worked in Al-Farabi KazNU at different times.
- For almost 70-years history, 15000 specialists of economic profiles, 270 candidates and doctors of economic sciences, 2000 masters and PhD’s have graduated from the School.
- Main reasons for annual choosing the Graduate School of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi KazNU by more than a half of applicants, i.e. state educational grants holders are:
- Our graduates are successful, competitive and demanded in all spheres: business, science, education, national and international companies, at state service;
- There is a possibility for our students, masters and PhDs to have classes in any of three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English; they choose individual educational trajectory and training mode;
- There is also a possibility for them to get additionally a diploma of a foreign university on a double-diploma programs;
- Our students from the very beginning join to scientific-research activities, participating in scientific projects of leading scientists;
- Our students have all possibilities to self-development and self-improvement by active participation in University’s life.
Bachelor's degree programs
The educational program is aimed at training specialists in the field of management in various fields of activity, capable of competently organizing production and business processes, building a strategy for positioning an organization in the domestic and international spaces for commercial organizations, national companies and government agencies.
The purpose of the educational program is to train qualified, competitive personnel that meet modern requirements and have knowledge in the field of accounting, auditing, analysis of the economic activity of enterprises and are capable of implementing them in practice.
The purpose of the educational program is the qualitative preparation of graduates who are able to professionally use the methods of economic analysis, planning and management in various areas of the economy, in accordance with the current level of development of society and the requirements of the labor market.
The purpose of the educational program is to train managers who are fluent not only in the field of Economics, but also in organizational and managerial activities in the field of state and local government.
The main purpose of the educational program is to prepare graduates for professional activities in all sectors of the economy, professionally owning the principles and concepts of logistics activities, able to solve the problem of improving the competitiveness of enterprises through the use of modern logistics methods.
The purpose of the educational program is to prepare qualified, competitive personnel who meet modern requirements and have knowledge in the field of finance and the financial system, banks and the banking system, financial management, the securities market, who have critical analysis when making financial decisions, who are able to conduct scientific research in the field of financial systems and put them into practice.
The purpose: formation of the ability to use theoretical knowledge and research methods in practice in the field of marketing for quality training of competitive in the labor market professionals, perform professional functions in government and commercial structures, analyze and plan marketing activities of enterprises, to carry out research in the field of marketing.
High-quality training of professional personnel with deep skills in the field of economics in accordance with the current requirements of the domestic and global labor market, able to solve problems in the field of development of the digital economy, e-business and commerce using digital resources.
Master's degree educational programs
The program is aimed at training specialists in the field of project management, able to: interpret and summarize modern knowledge, independently conduct research, determine the purpose and objectives of the project, project deadlines, analyze and manage the processes of project implementation, form a project team, develop the Charter and business plan of the project.
The purpose of the Educational Programme is to prepare a highly qualified manager competent in the field of innovation management, possessing creative thinking and a high level of professional culture, able to solve modern scientific and practical problems of developing innovative entrepreneurship and ensuring the competitiveness of domestic business and national economy, to carry out management , research and teaching activities in public, private and public organizations.
Preparation of masters with in-depth knowledge in the field of modern economics in accordance with the highest academic standards in a competitive educational environment, having a civic position, able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, possessing modern techniques of practical anti-crisis activities and successfully carrying out pedagogical, research and management activities.
The purpose of the educational program in the specialty 7M04117– Accounting and audit is to provide fundamental training of highly qualified specialists of a wide profile in the field of accounting, audit and analysis with deep scientific and pedagogical, professional knowledge and practical skills that will allow for analytical, research and practical activities..
logistics (by branches) is the formation of competencies for macro-mesological systems, to create a single economic space of flows: capital, goods, information and labor resources with minimal obstacles.
The program tends to prepare scientific and teaching staff in the field of international marketing, which could solve scientific problems in the field of marketing science, provide teaching of marketing disciplines at the university based on the latest concepts. Implement research work with using information technology, process research results, analyze all elements of the marketing mix; develop marketing strategies, achieve their goals, furthermore, introduce marketing technologies and tools in the organizations of foreign markets.
The purpose of the educational program is to prepare qualified personnel of a new format, able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems in the management of organizations, departments, teams, projects and innovations in the changing parameters of the internal and external environment and successfully carry out educational, research activities.
The target of the educational program is to prepare highly qualified competitive scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of economics who possess the skills of system analysis and methodological literacy, which are necessary for solving theoretical and applied economic problems in both academic and analytical fields of activity.
The purpose of the educational program "Finance" is the high-quality training of highly qualified specialists in higher postgraduate education and research, with strategic thinking and social responsibility, able to apply various methods of scientific knowledge, financial and economic methods and approaches in solving theoretical and practical problems in the field of finance.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
High-quality training of competitive specialists in improving and developing the theory, methodology and organization of accounting, internal control and a comprehensive economic analysis of financial and economic activities, based on the application of new fundamental and applied knowledge, the use of digital technologies in order to develop an accounting development strategy, to ensure sustainable business development.
Training of PhD doctors with fundamental scientific and professional training, possessing modern theories and innovative methods of public administration, able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems in the field of management on the basis of in-depth study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of strategic analysis of public administration and modern theories and methods of design of management systems, the use of innovative management technologies, to organize and successfully carry out scientific and pedagogical, research and experimental research activities in the field of public administration.
The purpose of the OP is to train PhD doctors with fundamental scientific and professional skills who are able to generate ideas based on creative thinking and a creative approach to scientific research in the field of optimization of logistics systems and processes.
The purpose of the ЕP is the qualitative training of marketers who are competitive in the domestic and international labor market, highly qualified experts , intellectual and professional elites, who are able to successfully carry out research, expert, managerial and pedagogical activity on the basis of creating new fundamental and applied knowledge, using innovative and integration initiatives, information and digital technologies with the requirements of modern marketing theory and practice
Training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel with deep research and scientific-pedagogical knowledge in the field of integrated solutions of project management tasks from the development of ideas to its commercial realization; the formation of new directions innovation development of businesses; forming internal and external environment conducive to the development of innovations
High-quality training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of management, having a high civic position, able to manage processes and human resources, shape the company's strategy, be able to determine strategic and operational tasks and achieve them using managerial tools, using modern IT-technologies.
Preparation of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel capable of innovative project activities in the economy, education, and the social sphere based on an in-depth study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the science of project management, as well as the systematic use of knowledge and methodology of related scientific fields and digital technologies capable of creating new conceptual knowledge that develops the science of project management, reasonably present it to specialists in the context of scientific discussions including international, in the working language of scientific activities.
The goal of the EP is to train a qualitatively new generation of financial managers who possess key competencies, modern technologies and financial management tools: - having fundamental scientific knowledge in the field of Finance, proficient in foreign languages, modern information and innovative technologies; - a specialist who can critically analyze and manage the activities of financial institutions, who can evaluate and synthesize effective financial solutions; - able to formulate and solve modern scientific and practical problems, organize and successfully carry out scientific and pedagogical, research and experimental research activities; - competent in conducting expertise of scientific projects and research.
High-quality training of highly qualified specialists in the field of economics, capable of: - to interpret the basic principles, methodology, methods of modern economics; - systematize and interpret scientific theories, concepts, cause-and-effect relationships in the economy and economic policy of the state; - to substantiate the main approaches to the improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms, management methods, the development of strategies for the activities of enterprises in various industries based on risk management in the context of globalization; - to carry out independent scientific research in the field of global trends on the basis of a systematic approach in analyzing and understanding economic, ecological, demographic and political processes in countries with different levels of development and in the world as a whole; - to assess the current situation in the economy of the country from the standpoint of macroeconomic analysis, to identify the causes of the occurrence of crisis phenomena and indicate possible ways to eliminate them on the basis of economic and mathematical models; - to represent and reasonably defend their own scientific opinion in the course of discussions at seminars and conferences, including international, using the working language.
Educational programs
Bachelor: at the adress 71 al-Farabi ave., Almaty,
SSC "Keremet",
tel. +7 727 377 33 30.
Мaster's and PhD degree: at the adress 71 al-Farabi ave., Almaty
SSC "Keremet",
tel. +7 727 377 33 30 - Admissions Office
In.: 1000
Научно-исследовательская деятельность"
Grant funding projects: science and innovation in economics and business
The modern economy requires new knowledge, technologies and management solutions. Grant funding plays a key role in supporting scientific research aimed at developing business, financial systems and digital transformation of management.
№ |
Project name, Full name of the Manager, position, rank |
Reason for implementation (research program - full name): fundamental research, applied, industry, JSC "Science Fund", business/contractual, etc. |
Amount of financing (thousand tenge) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
1 |
AP13268961 " The Impact of the Quality of Economic Growth on Inequality in Income Distribution in Modern Kazakhstan", Supervisor: PhD, Temerbulatova Zh. S. |
Grant funding for young scientists under the Young Scientist project for 2022-2024 (1 stream) |
18 228 065,00 tenge |
2 |
AP14973003 "Assessment of food security of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the conditions of an unstable external environment. Supervisor: PhD, Kaliyeva A.E. |
Grant funding for young scientists under the Young Scientist project for 2022-2024 (2 streams) |
16 802 588,00 tenge |
3 |
АР19576425 " «The Impact of High Quality Education on the Competitiveness of the National Economy in the Era of Digitalization and Technological Changes”, scientific supervisor: PhD, Kondybaeva S.K. |
Grant funding for scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects of young scientists for 2023-2025 |
49 582 235,5 tenge |
4 |
AP23488218 " Study of the influence of the distribution of income from oil sales between accumulation and use on the current goals of socio-economic development of Kazakhstan" supervisor: Mukhamediyev B. M. |
Competition for grant funding of scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2024-2026 |
62 254 903,00 tenge |
5 |
AP09259851 " "Development of a closed-loop economy in Kazakhstan: potential, trends, prospects" supervisor: Daulieva G. R. |
Конкурс на грантовое финансирование научных и (или) научно-технических проектов на 2024-2026 годы |
78 845 235 tenge |
6 |
АP19683020 Study of new instruments for development of business environment in regions of Kazakhstan to increase investment attractiveness and competitiveness of the country in the Eurasian region Supervisor: Rakhmatullaeva Dinara Zhaksylykkyzy, Ph.D., senior lecturer |
Competition for grant funding of scientific and (or) scientific and technical projects for 2023-2025 (Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan) |
68 604 660 tenge |
7 |
АР 19677016 Ecosystem model of socially oriented entrepreneurship in the context of sustainable development of Southern Kazakhstan Head: Dzhulaeva Almazhan Mudirisovna – PhD in Economics, senior lecturer |
Grant funding 2023-2025 |
66713019,5 tenge |
8 |
АР22685018 "The Impact of Institutional Research Practices on Higher Education Quality Management and Effective Data-Based Decision Making." Supervisor - Manarbek Gulden Manarbekkyzy
Project within the framework of the program "Young Scientist 2024-2026" |
9 |
AP19576593: Responsible production at Kazakhstani enterprises as a tool for achieving SDG 12: assessment of potential and development prospects. Leader: PhD doctors, associate professor Zhidebekkyzy A. |
7. Research in the field of social sciences and humanities. 7.1 Fundamental, applied, interdisciplinary research in the field of social sciences: 7.1.2 Current research issues in the field of microeconomics, management, science. |
14 282 702 tenge |
10 |
AP19175800 Analysis of the effectiveness of reforming the public administration system of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of healthcare Head: Zharlygasinov T.M. |
7. Research in the field of social sciences and humanities. 7.1 Fundamental, applied, interdisciplinary research in the field of social sciences: 7.1.2 Current research issues in the field of microeconomics, management, economic entities and development of the business environment. |
5 930 134 tenge |
11 |
ИРН АР 19678012 Triple Bottom Line Sustainability (ESG): Business Interests in the Context of Balanced Regional Development Head: Adambekova A.A. Doctor of Economics, Professor Research Type: Applied |
7.1. Research in the field of social sciences. Type of research: applied, interdisciplinary research in the field of social sciences: 7.1.2. Current issues of scientific research in the field of microeconomics, management, business entities and development of the entrepreneurial environment Field: Social sciences. Economics and business. |
58 825,3 million tenge |
12 |
АР 23487228 Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Public Administration: Problems and Prospects of Application Job zhetekshisi: Sansyzbaeva G.N. e.g.d., professor Research type: fundamental |
fundamental |
28 604,7 |
13 |
АР14871940 "Development of software, including a mobile application, for recording the working hours of employees of departments responsible for diagnostics of main railway lines" Head - Nazdana Dzhems-Uatovna Adilova. |
Used |
59337327,59 tenge. |
14 |
АР2348765 Transformation of Innovation Management: Artificial Intelligence as a Catalyst for Change. Head: Sagieva R.K. e.g.d, Associate Professor |
The main new and applied areas of research in the field of social sciences are: 1.7. Structural and technological modernization and sustainable territorial development of the state, economy and society. |
79 206,8 |
15 |
AP19679105 " Transformation of ESG financial instruments in the context of the development of the "green" economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan " Head: Nurmagambetova A.Z. e.g.k, Kazakh professor |
Name of the priority area of scientific development for which the application is submitted: 7. Research in the field of social and human sciences 1.3. Name of the specialized scientific area, field and type of research for which the application is submitted: 7.1. Fundamental, applied, interdisciplinary research in the field of social sciences 7.1.1 Current issues in macroeconomic research, International economic relations and policy, monetary and fiscal policy, economic growth and crisis |
62 402 638,60 |
Targeted Administration Programs: Management Efficiency and Business Development
№ |
Project name, Full name of the Manager, position, rank |
Reason for implementation (research program - full name): fundamental research, applied, industry, JSC "Science Fund", business/contractual, etc. |
Amount of financing (thousand tenge) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
6 |
1. |
BR18574200 Modernization of single-industry towns in the context of creating a New Kazakhstan based on territorial marketing Head PhD doctor, Deputy Head of the Department of Business Technologies for scientific and educational-methodical work Tovma N.A. |
Fundamental research |
117878882 тенге |
International cooperation
Научно-образовательные и методические центры
The Center for economic research at the Higher school of economics and business of Al-Farabi kazakh national university
Head oh the center - PhD, associate professor Doszhan Raigul Dukenbayevna
The Center for Economic Research is an academic and research platform dedicated to advancing economic science and implementing innovative approaches to addressing pressing socio-economic challenges.
We bring together researchers, experts, and practitioners to develop solutions that foster social progress and economic development. The Center actively supports both experienced professionals and emerging researchers by providing tools, knowledge, and motivation to drive meaningful change.
Each of our projects is based on primary and secondary data, ensuring strict adherence to academic standards and the implementation of best global practices. We aim to bridge the gap between theory and practice, promoting innovation, interdisciplinary approaches, and collaboration for the benefit of society.
As part of our research and publication activities, we actively collaborate with international universities. This enables us to integrate global expertise and advanced scientific practices into our work. Such partnerships facilitate joint projects, knowledge sharing, publications in high-ranking journals, and the development of intercultural scientific dialogue.
Center’s Activities
- Research Projects. We design and implement research projects tailored to clients’ needs, including consumer behavior analysis, evaluation of economic and social programs, and development of economic strategies.
- Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. We utilize modern research tools, including statistical analysis, in-depth interviews, and focus groups, to provide data necessary for achieving specific goals.
- Market and Consumer Behavior. Research on market trends, consumer behavior, and cultural changes enables our clients to make informed decisions and maintain a competitive edge.
- Social Impact. We assist organizations in measuring the impact of their initiatives, identifying areas for improvement, and creating strategies to maximize social benefit.
Our Projects and Initiatives
- Courses for Emerging Researchers. Practical courses that help students and young researchers master advanced research methods and confidently apply them in practice.
- Podcast "Our Scientist". Tune in to our podcast, where we discuss relevant scientific topics, share expert opinions, and inspire the next generation of researchers.
- Conferences and Round Tables. We organize scientific conferences and round tables at the local and international levels to discuss pressing economic issues and share experiences.
- Research Practices and Internships. We conduct research practices and internships for master’s and doctoral students in economics, fostering their professional growth.
- Winter and Summer Research Schools. E host seasonal schools that provide participants with unique opportunities to deepen their knowledge and skills under the guidance of leading experts.
Director of the Center - Candidate of Economics Science, Acting Professor Dauliyeva Galiya
Moderator of the Сenter - Candidate of Economics Science, Associate Professor Yessengaziyeva Saule
Contact information:
e-mail: yessengaziyeva.saule@kaznu.edu.kz
mobile phone: +77071056465
The Center «Entrepreneurship and Innovation» is a modern professional training center focused on solving urgent problems, improving qualifications and achieving career growth. Due to the distance learning format, teachers of universities and colleges from Kazakhstan and the CIS countries have the opportunity to acquire valuable knowledge and practical skills from experienced experts, confirmed by certificates of the established form.
The mission of the center is to assist universities and colleges of the Republic of Kazakhstan in increasing their competitiveness by providing high-quality services in the areas of additional professional education for teaching staff.
Learning and development opportunities:
Regular online courses on current issues and topics in economics and entrepreneurship, management of an educational organization for managers.
Organization of International Winter/Summer Schools with the involvement of professors from near and far abroad.
Until today, teachers from universities in Almaty, Astana, Kostanay, Uralsk, Kyzylorda, and Shymkenthave completed training at the Center.
Professors from the USA, Thailand, Indonesia, Italy, China, Serbia, Sri Lanka, as well as from Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan took part in the International Winter/Summer School "Sustainable Development and ESG: Global Challenges, National Priorities, Effective Solutions". The International Winter/Summer Schools were attended by bachelors, masters and PhD students from China, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.
The Center «Entrepreneurship and Innovation» of the Higher School of Economics and Business of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabiconducts advanced training courses for university teachers, colleges and teachers of comprehensive schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS countries.
The course duration is 2 weeks (72 hours), 1 week (36 hours). During this period, students can complete training according to an individual training program with a flexible work schedule.
If production needs arise, the terms of advanced training may be changed by agreement of the parties.
For the purpose of organized preparation and advanced training, we ask you to submit an application in advance.
To be enrolled, students must submit the following documents:
- application (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfoDLf5E6OwbCT6iMdd2Xrvel7cDnxJPFwSBQes8XSOnJwYw/viewform?usp=sharing);
- identity card (copy);
- contract in 2 copies;
- receipt for payment for training or a copy of the payment order.
Persons who have completed the advanced training courses are issued a certificate.
Director of the "Smart Marketing and Logistics" Center, PhD in Economics, Acting Professor Zaurech Bolatkhanovna Akhmetova
Since its establishment, the center has issued certificates to more than 300 participants within over 70 professional development courses.
Participants have come from the following domestic universities:
• Karaganda University of the Kazakh Consumer Union, Karaganda
• "Toraigyrov University", Pavlodar
• South Kazakhstan State University named after M. O. Auezov, Shymkent
• Almaty Humanitarian-Economic University, Almaty
• International University of Tourism and Hospitality, Shymkent
• Kazakhstan-British Technical University, Almaty
The "Smart Marketing and Logistics" Center holds a unique position, offering a wide range of educational, research, and consulting services for faculty, entrepreneurs, and professionals from universities across the country.
Main Areas of Activity:
1. Educational services
2. Scientific schools and interdisciplinary courses
3. Consulting services
4. International grant competitions
The center is focused on improving the qualifications of educators, expanding cooperation with employers, strengthening international collaboration with scholars from leading universities, involving master’s and doctoral students in research activities, and commercializing scientific research.
The "Smart Marketing and Logistics" Center is always open to promising and mutually beneficial proposals from both the scientific community and the business and industrial sectors.
Director of the center - Candidate of Economics Science, Associate Professor Smagulova Gulzhikhan
The Center for Management and Business Education has been operating since 2015 at the Department of Management in the Higher School of Economics and Business of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Since its foundation, the center has been successfully implementing programs to improve the qualifications of teachers of universities in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also conducts courses for representatives of business structures and government agencies.
All programs for improving the qualifications of university teachers implemented in the center are aimed at improving the professional skills of teachers in their subject area. The programs were developed by qualified faculty of the Department of Management. The courses cover the most relevant and in-demand topics, such as:
• Methods of teaching at the University using digital technologies
• Management in education
• Modern megatrends in business management
• Current issues of teaching management and entrepreneurship in the context of digital transformation of the economy
• Modern trends in teaching management disciplines
• Innovative educational technologies in universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan
• International databases Scopus and Web of Science: main functionality
• How to identify dubious and predatory journals in the Scopus database.
The center also provides support to representatives of business structures, helping them master advanced management methods, acquire new knowledge and practical skills necessary for effective work in any field and organization. The center's portfolio of educational products includes programs:
• Management
• Personnel management
• Project management
• Strategic management
• Business organization
• Business sustainability management in the hospitality industry.
Upon completion of the courses, a certificate of the established form is issued
Head of the centre - N.S.Syrlybayeva
Center moderator - K.A.Kurbanova
The practice orientation of all OPs at the Department of Finance and Accounting is confirmed by the blessing of the Center for Financial Technologies and Digitalization of Accounting and Auditing, which was created in 2023 from three centers: the Center for Islamic Finance, the Center for Stock Trading, and the Center for Innovative Competencies in Accounting, Auditing, and Analysis (which has existed since 2018).
The Center is hosting:
- Annual Winter and summer schools;
- Work with two-degree Educational programs
- Certified courses on «Stock trading»;
- Training for local financial sector specialists from the AIFC;
- Short- and medium-term programs for teachers;
- The Small Private Online Course «Introduction to Islamic Finance» has been developed;
- They run 1C Accounting, Accounting from Azov to Balance Sheet. Preparation course for exams for a licensed auditor, professional accountant;
- In order to increase the attractiveness of educational programs, further development of master's degree programs is being carried out with the integration of international certificates (CMA, ACCA, CFA) into them. Upon passing the international certification as part of the modernization of master's and partial bachelor's degree programs, he will acquire the necessary knowledge in his future activities.
In 2021, they won First place at the GIFA international competition as the best university teaching Islamic finance. They also opened a virtual laboratory for digitization in accounting, audit, and analysis.
We have foreign professors of Islamic finance: Ahmad Afendi and Dariosh Jamshedi.
Our graduates
Aubakirov Yahiya
Academician of the NAS RK, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Vice-Rector for academic affairs of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (1972-1985)
One of the founders of the scientific economic school of Kazakhstan
Asanbayev Yerik
Doctor of economic sciences
Vice-President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (1991-1996)
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Germany
Naribayev Kоpzhasar
Academician of the NAS RK, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Minister of Higher and Secondary Education of the Kazakh SSR (1983-1987)
Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (1991-2001)
Sagadiyev Kenzhegali
Academician of the NAS RK, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Rector of several leading universities in the country
President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2004, 2007)
Satubaldin Sagyndyk
Academician of the NAS RK, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Honored Worker of Science and Technics of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Mamyrov Nurgali
Academician of the NAS RK, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Rector of the Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy (1982-1987)
Seitkassymov Gabdygapar
Academician of the NAS RK, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Rector of the Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade (2007-2012)
Karagusova Gulzhan
Doctor of economic sciences, professor
Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Minister of Labor and Social Security of the Population (2001-2007)
Alshanov Rakhman
Doctor of economic sciences, professor
Rector of “Turan” University
President of the Association of higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Nikitinskaya Yekaterina
Doctor of economic sciences, professor
Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Iksanova Gulnar
Candidate of economic sciences
Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Sagintayev Bakytzhan
Candidate of economic sciences
Head of the President’s Executive Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016-2019)
Nurseyit Aitkali
Doctor of economic sciences, professor
Rector of Eurasian Innovation Academy of Economics and Management
Aryn Yerlan
Doctor of economic sciences, professor
Rector of S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University (2001-2012)
Governor of Pavlodar region (2012-2013)
Abishev Ali
Doctor of economic sciences, professor
Rector of the T. Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University (2005-2012)
Maulen Ashimbayev
Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Dunayev Arman
Candidate of economic sciences
Member of the Board of Directors, Independent Director of Halyk Bank
Minister of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2004-2006)
Spanov Magbat
Doctor of economic sciences, professor
Director of the “Center for the Study of Financial Violations” of the Accounts Committee for Control over Execution of the Republican Budget
Sagadiyev Yerlan
Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2016-2019)
Zhakypova Fatima
Doctor of economic sciences, professor
Vice Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Aukenov Yerlan
Deputy Mayor of Almaty city on transport, social issues, employment and emergency situations
Birtanov Yeszhan
Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Kazakhstan
Zhunusova Asel
Deputy Mayor of Almaty city on economics, budget planning and finance issues
Karashukeyev Yerbol
Chairman of the Board of «KazAgro» Holding» JSC
Ryspekov Dastan Adayevich
Akim of Ulytau region