Law Faculty
DEAR FRIENDS! Before you materials that allow you to become better acquainted with the Law Faculty of Al – Farabi Kazakh National University. Make your right choice – enroll the Law Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, and you will be successful all your life!

Established in 1934, the Faculty of Law has experienced many periods of reform and renewal. Currently, the Law Faculty trains specialists in the fields of “Jurisprudence”, “Customs”, and “Law Enforcement”. Students are trained on the basis of secondary and higher education. Law students can also complete Master’s Degree and Doctoral Degree (PhD). The current Law faculty has a powerful scientific potential capable of solving the most complex scientific and practical problems. The faculty is staffed by one academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 30 doctors and professors, more than 80 candidates of science, associate professors, and specialists with the highest qualification practice from the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Presidential Administration, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Academy of Sciences and law enforcement. Many of them have been trained at universities of the USA, Europe, Turkey, etc.
The Faculty of Law constantly organizes international and republican conferences on issues of state and law and holds of the annual Republican Law Olympiad among students of Kazakhstan.
Bachelor's degree programs
The purpose of the educational program is to train qualified specialists with general cultural and professional competencies and fundamental basic legal knowledge; able to work in the system of public administration, law enforcement, in the most significant areas of civil society; ensure law and order, protection of human rights and freedoms; capable of performing the functions of officials, specialists and experts in the field of jurisprudence.
The purpose of the EP is to train qualified specialists who have General cultural and professional competencies and fundamental basic knowledge in the field of customs affairs, who are able to manage the movement of goods across the customs border, ensure law and order in the customs sphere, who are able to perform the functions of customs officials, specialists and experts in the field of professional activity.
The purpose of the educational program is the high-quality training of competent and competitive specialists based on a practice-oriented approach, which involves the active mastery of professional skills of analytical and critical thinking in accordance with the requirements of the labor market. The implementation of the educational program is aimed at forming a specialist with high professional and personal qualities, providing him with a priority demand and sustainable competitiveness in the labor market and ample opportunities for self-realization in law enforcement.
Master's degree educational programs
The goal is to train scientific and pedagogical personnel with fundamental knowledge in the field of public service and public administration, personnel policy; professional competencies that meet the needs of the modern state and civil society.
Training a highly qualified specialist with in-depth knowledge of customs, who professionally speak foreign languages; a specialist who knows how to analyze and manage the movement of goods across the customs border, capable of performing the functions of the head of the structural unit of customs authorities, a specialist in the field of customs, who is able to organize and conduct scientific research in the field of customs affairs.
The purpose of the OP is to train highly qualified specialists on the basis of leading universities of al-Farabi Kazakh national University and Baku state University (hereinafter referred to as BSU), with a high citizenship, initiative, sociable, professionally fluent in foreign languages and able to carry out activities in the field of managing the maritime industry and ensuring energy security, maritime and energy law and the scientific and pedagogical sphere.
The purpose of the EP is to prepare a competitive lawyer with in-depth knowledge in the field of financial law and financial activities, professionally possessing the skills of independent research by formulating and solving research problems in the field of financial and other branches of law, capable of carrying out management activities decisions, perceive, analyze and implement managerial innovations in professional activities features
The purpose of the educational program is to train highly qualified specialists in the field of law enforcement for the scientific and educational sphere of higher educational institutions, as well as for law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, capable of solving theoretical and scientific-practical problems of the theory and practice of the application of criminal, criminal procedure legislation, theory of evidence, criminology and criminalistics in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Training scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of jurisprudence, having fundamental knowledge in the field of civil law, professional competences corresponding to the needs of civil law support of the market economy and employers, the requirements of educational standards in this area of training of MA students.
Training of qualified specialists in the field of the judicial system, prosecutor's offices, investigation and inquiry, who are in demand on the market, have comprehensive legal erudition, fundamental, theoretical and methodological basis, possess the skills of research activities. The program is aimed at forming a professional personality of a specialist in the field of judicial, prosecutorial and investigative activities capable of: - to solve theoretical and scientific-practical problems of the theory and practice of the application of civil, civil procedure, criminal, criminal procedure legislation regulating the activities of courts, prosecutor's offices and pre-trial proceedings; - to introduce innovative technologies, training methods aimed at studying the judicial system, prosecutorial activities, pre-trial proceedings (investigation and inquiry); - independently carry out scientific research and put it into practice through publications (articles, theses) on the research topic.
The purpose of the program is to train scientific and pedagogical personnel with fundamental knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, professional competencies that meet the needs of legal support of the state sphere, the market economy, the needs of employers in various spheres of civil society.
The purpose of the program is to train scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of Kazakhstani jurisprudence, German and international commercial law, who have fundamental knowledge in the field of civil and business law, professional competencies that meet the needs of civil law support for a market economy, employers and the sphere of international legal regulation of economic relations.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
Preparation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification, capable of innovation in legal science and legal practice on the basis of in-depth study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of legal science, as well as the systematic use of knowledge and methodology of related scientific fields; capable of creating new conceptual knowledge, developing legal science; reasonably present it to specialists in the context of scientific discussions, including international, in the working language of the scientific event.
Educational programs
Bachelor's degree: Almaty, PR. Al-Farabi, 71
Phone: +7 727 377-33-33
Master's and doctoral programs: Almaty, PR. Al-Farabi, 71
Phone: +7 727 377-33-33