Mechanics and Mathematics
Founded in 1934, Kazakhstan's first physical-mathematical faculty of Kazakh State University became the cradle of education and one of the national centers of education and science. The faculty has overcome all the trials and remains one of the leading centers for research and training in mathematics, mechanics and information technology in the country. Achievements of the faculty today became possible thanks to the enthusiasm and creativity of several generations of scientists who worked and are working today at the faculty.

A team of mechanics and mathematics faculty has huge plans to improve the learning process and further improve the efficiency of scientific research in accordance with the requirements of the time. The faculty has the potential to successfully implement our plans. We believe that the first Mechanics and Mathematics Department in Kazakhstan will hold high the banner of its leadership and forever remain the first at the frontiers of science and education - in the hearts of students, alumni, faculty and staff.
Students receive a fundamental education and are immersed in research in their chosen areas of modern mathematics, mechanics and mathematical modeling. It is known that graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the KazNU have long been listed on the labor market in our country and have fundamental knowledge that allows them to master new skills and abilities in a timely and qualitative manner, but the reality is that we also need to keep up with the times and further improve our learning faculty.
We are always glad to see at our faculty motivated, active and ambitious young people, who are aimed at getting a better education, open to new knowledge and full dialogue. We believe that the scientific and practical achievements of the faculty will find their actual implementation in you, our future students, and excellent career prospects will be open to the graduates of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
Bachelor's degree programs
Training of specialists for educational and research institutions capable of: - solve mathematical problems based on theoretical and practical knowledge, making mathematical models and using modern methods of programming and information technology; - design new approaches to solve problems and be capable of self-education and self-development; - evaluate the surrounding reality on the basis of worldview, moral and civic positions.
High-quality training of competitive specialists for research institutions in the financial and insurance sectors, capable of solving professional problems and building various mathematical and economic models for making managerial decisions based on fundamental mathematical knowledge.
Qualitative training of highly qualified specialists in the field of mechanics with a fundamental basis of mathematics and a good knowledge of the basics of programming, able to independently and creatively solve tasks, make reasonable conclusions and report them, able to work in a team, as well as determine the direction of their further professional growth and demonstrate a desire for continuous education.
High-quality training of qualified competitive specialists in the field of space engineering and technology, with fundamental knowledge in the field of mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, computer technology and able to apply them for data analysis and processing, design and operation of spacecraft.
The program is aimed to train competitive specialists with sufficient knowledge of mathematical modeling in the field of physics, chemistry, mechanics, economics, biomedicine and others who are able to develop typical mathematical models, develop software systems and analyze the results obtained. Preparing students for research, improvement and development of theories and methods of mathematical and computer modeling, for the practical application of the knowledge and results obtained in various sectors of the economy, as well as higher educational institutions and research centers. The following training areas are provided: – Mathematical modeling in biomedicine; – Financial engineering; – Mathematical modeling of continuous media.
High-quality training of qualified competitive specialists in the field of robotic systems, with fundamental knowledge in the field of mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, information technology and able to apply them to the analysis, design and control of mechanical, electrical and electronic components of mechatronic and robotic systems for educational and research institutions and various automated and robotic productions.
The educational program is focused on the formation of students' current knowledge and competencies in the field of computational sciences and statistics, the creation of mathematical and computer models of real processes based on computational and statistical data, the choice of modern methods of their research, the creation of applications and software products to solve the problems of professional activity in the studied fields of sciences, the formation of skills for scientific research and educational activities at the university and research institute.
Master's degree educational programs
Preparation of qualified specialists-masters competent in solving various professional problems in the field of mathematics and mathematical education, their acquisition of practical skills and competences in the field of professional research activities. - To provide training for undergraduates in accordance with academic standards in a competitive but stimulating educational environment that is attractive to the best students from other countries.
Preparation of qualified specialists-masters competent in solving various professional problems in the field of actuarial mathematics and risk theory, their acquisition of practical skills and competencies in the field of actuarial and professional research activities. To provide training for undergraduates in accordance with academic standards and the minimum educational program for training actuaries in Kazakhstan in a competitive but stimulating educational environment that is attractive for the best students from other countries.
Preparation of highly qualified specialists in the field of mechanics with deep systematic knowledge and competencies, especially in the field of specialization (theoretical and celestial mechanics, fluid mechanics, deformable solid mechanics, the theory of mechanisms and machines), demanded for work in a wide field of science and education, and also able to meet the needs of Kazakhstan and foreign enterprises and research centers.
Preparation of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of space engineering and technologies with deep system knowledge and competences, which is able to independently identify and solve actual scientific problems of designing and operating space systems, as well as the tasks of space monitoring demanded for work in the scientific and educational field, in organizations and laboratories of the space industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international research centers engaged in scientific research and experiments in ground and space conditions.
The program aims to prepare competitive professionals possessing sufficient knowledge of fundamental mathematics, mathematical modeling and information and communication technology, able to develop mathematical models, conduct computational experiments, use information technology to solve applied problems of mechanics, physics, ecology, medicine, biology and others. The following areas of training for educational program: - «Mathematical modeling of applied problems»; - «Mathematical and computer modelingproblems of mathematical physics»; - «Mathematical modeling of thermodynamicprocesses in gas dynamics»; - «Mathematical modeling of thermodynamic andelectrical processes in solids» - «The Theory of Sustainability in Economics and Technology».
Training of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical personnel in the field of robotic systems with deep system knowledge and competencies, able to independently identify and solve actual scientific problems of design, control of robotic systems, as well as the tasks of biomechanical systems that are in demand for work in the scientific and educational field, in various automated and robotic production, in organizations and laboratories of the robotics industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international research centers engaged in scientific research in the field of robotics.
The Master's Program “Mathematical Models in Interdisciplinary Research (RUDN – KAZNU)” was prepared primarily for research in areas using applied mathematics and computer technology; to the development and application of modern mathematical methods and software for solving problems of science, technology, economics and management; to the use of information technology in the design and use of information technology in scientific, educational activities.
Энергетикалық жүйелерді зерттеу мен проектілеу үшін механика саласында мамандарды сапалы дайындау. Білім беру бағдарламасын жүзеге асыру келесі қасиеттерге ие маманды қалыптастыруға бағытталған: - бар модельдерді және/немесе жаңа модельдерді қолдана отырып энергетикалық жүйелерде процесстердің теориялық және эксперименталды зерттеулерді жүргізу, сондай-ақ әзірленген құрылғылардың техникалық сипаттамаларын негіздеу, олардың пайдалану шарттарын айқындау; - энергетикалық жүйелердегі процестердің математикалық модельдерін әзірлеу, математикалық модельдеу арқылы зерттеу жүргізу, қабылданған теориялық және сындарлы шешімдерді негіздеу үшін заманауи бағдарламалық жасақтаманы қолдану; - энергетикалық жүйелердің дизайны мен жұмыс істеу режимін жобалау, модельдеу әдістерін пайдалана отырып олардың жұмыс жасау режимдеріне талдау жасау; - ағыс режимдерін және жеке компоненттердің жұмысын, және жалпы энергетикалық жүйелерді зерттеу үшін дайын пакеттерді қолдану және бағдарламалық модульдерді әзірлеу.
Preparation of qualified specialists-masters competent in solving various professional problems in the field of mathematics and mathematical education, their acquisition of practical skills and competences in the field of professional research activities.
Educational programs of doctoral studies
To provide training for competitive PhD specialists who are competent in solving professional problems in the field of mathematics and mathematical education.
Preparation of a highly qualified specialist in the field of mechanics, competitive in both the domestic and the global market, having fundamental scientific training, able to successfully carry out relevant scientific research at high methodological level and having an active and conscious civic position.
Preparation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification, capable of innovation in the field of space engineering and technologies, education based on an in-depth study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the design and operation of space systems, as well as the systematic use of knowledge and methodology of related scientific fields and digital technologies; able to create a new conceptual knowledge, developing science, reasonably present it to specialists and draw up the results of scientific research in the publications of international top ranking journals.
The program is aimed at training highly qualified scientific and pedagogical and scientific professionals who are competitive in the domestic and international labor market according to their needs and development prospects of the country and region. The educational program is focused on the formation of students' deep knowledge in the field of applied mathematics and modern computer technologies, development of research skills, and pedagogical activities at university and research institutes. The following training directions are provided: Mathematical modeling of physical processes; Mathematical modeling in the field of biomedical engineering; Mathematical modeling of stochastic processes in finance; Mathematical modeling in the field of chemical engineering; Modeling of nonlinear dynamics of deformable media; Mathematical and computer modeling of complex systems; Mathematical modeling of thermodynamic processes in hydro-aerodynamics.
Preparation of qualified scientific personnel, PhD doctors, who have scientific and scientific-pedagogical competence in solving various professional problems in the field of mathematics and mathematical education, with practical skills and competencies in the field of professional research activities. The educational program was prepared jointly with the Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling.
Preparation of highly qualified scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel capable of innovative activity in the field of robotics, education, on the basis of an in-depth study of the theoretical and methodological foundations for the creation and study of robotic systems, as well as the systematic use of knowledge and methodology of related scientific fields and digital technologies; able to create new conceptual knowledge that develops science, to reasonably present it to specialists and to draw up the results of scientific research in the form of scientific publications in foreign peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications, to test the results of research activities at national and international conferences; able to participate in the implementation of the educational process and form educational materials for the educational process as part of the educational program.
The program is aimed at training high qualified scientific, pedagogical personnel, competitive in the domestic and international labor market in accordance with their needs and the prospects for the development of the country and the region. The educational program is focused on the formation of students' deep knowledge in the field of computational sciences and statistics, calculation methods, analysis of the convergence of schemes, the use of statistical methods for data analysis and forecasting based on mathematical calculations, the development of skills in the implementation of scientific research and pedagogical activities at the university and research institutes. The following areas of training are provided: - Computational methods for solving problems for partial differential equations; - Analysis of the convergence of approximation schemes for the numerical solution of problems of mathematical physics; - Construction and use of various types of computational grids with adaptation; - Formulation of differential equations based on hypotheses for setting model problems; - Using the methods of mathematical statistics on real data to select the parameters of computational models; - Predicting the development of the simulated process using numerical experiments; - Development and use of high-performance computing algorithms for the numerical solution of problems in mathematical physics; - Self-development, scientific thinking, critical analysis, allowing you to work in new research areas like quantum computing. - Computational forecasting of problems in physics, chemistry, biology, financial processes, geology, kinetics.
Training of highly qualified scientific personnel in the field of robotics and manufacturing automation with robotic systems, education, chemical, petrochemical, mining, construction and metallurgical production, medicine, with modern methodology of scientific research and robotic technologies
Training of highly qualified scientific personnel in the field of mechanics, education, applications of mechanics in the construction, machine-building, oil and gas, mining and transport industries with modern methodology of scientific research, mathematical and computer modeling
Educational programs
The Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics is one of the leading centers for scientific research and training of highly qualified specialists in:
- Pure and actuarial mathematics
- Computing technologies and statistics
- Differential equations and control theory
- Mechanics
- Space engineering and technologies
- Robotic systems
- Mathematical and computer modeling and applied mathematics
Students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics receive fundamental knowledge in mathematics, function theory, probability theory and mathematical statistics, actuarial mathematics, mathematical and applied logic, differential equations and their applications, problems of mathematical physics, optimization, in the field of mechanics (theoretical and celestial), deformable solids mechanics, fluid mechanics, gas, plasma and energy, mechanics of machine, robotic systems, space engineering and technologies, programming, high-performance computing, parallelization of algorithms, the study of cryptography, mathematical modeling of natural phenomena, physical, chemical and technological processes, medical, biological and economic processes, Data Mining (data analysis) and forecasting, computational analytics, analytical statistics.
There is also an opportunity to actively participate in scientific seminars and conferences held by best professors of our faculty and invited foreign professors. And of course, do not forget to participate in various competitions and Olympiads - from sports to intellectual ones.
We offer bachelor's, master's and doctoral degree programs in Mathematics, Actuarial Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Mechanics, Robotic Systems, Space Engineering and Technology, Mathematical and Computer Modeling and a two-degree program in master in "Mechanics and Energy" together with the University of Lorraine (France), in "Mathematics URCA" together with the University of Reims Champagne-Arden (France) and "Mathematical and Computer Modeling" with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Russia).
Areas and objects of professional activity after obtaining a degree: science and research, education and communication, manufacturing and economics, computational analytics, analytical statistics, big data and statistics, biomechanics and nanotechnology; oil and gas industry, telecommunications institutions; educational organizations; industrial production, industry and energy, adjustment of the operation of space technology, insurance / financial organizations, IT companies. Earning a degree opens the door to a successful career in almost any promising industry, because mathematics is the basis of all cutting-edge developments!
Our doors are open to purposeful, active and ambitious young people who are aimed at getting the best education and are ready to make the necessary efforts for this, open to new knowledge and a full-fledged dialogue!
Do you want to join us and become a sought-after specialist? Then write to us! or call the admissions office!
Admissions number: +7 (727) 377 33 30, +7 (727) 377 33 33
Call center: +7 (727) 377 33 30
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