Event «Great personality of the Great Steppe - pride of the nation»
12 march, 2020
In the school-lyceum No. 146 of Almaty, the evening "Uly Dalanyң Uly tұlғasy-ұltmyzdyң matanyshy" was held, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of Al-Farabi. The organizers of the event were the school staff (the school director Nuradinov N. M., deputy directors Bakhina S. A., Satova G. A., history teacher Kamysbaev G. B.) and 4-year students of the Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology of KazNU named after Al-Farabi. The evening was attended by the faculty of the faculty, namely Ph.D., associate professors Kunapina K.K. and Kartabaev E.T.