Online meeting of students of the specialty "Logistics" with employees of the company DAMU Logistics

15 february, 2021


02/12/2021 The Department of Business Technologies together with the staff of DAMU Logistics ( held an online meeting with 1-4 year students of the Logistics specialty. At the online meeting, speaker Mr. A. Anishev, curator of the DAMU training center, manager for the implementation of online projects, shared practical information on the topic "Integrated logistics: from import of goods to their implementation." The main purpose of the meeting is to familiarize students of 1-4 courses of the specialty "Logistics (by industry)" with detailed information on integrated logistics, employment and practical training, the formation of practical skills of students.


During the meeting, the manager Anishev A.E. explained to the students that integrated logistics is a complex system of interconnected services, including a complex of various operations, such as planning, information support, management of material, financial resources, movement, storage of goods, sales of products, preparation of the necessary accompanying documentation, etc.


During the meeting, an online excursion to the warehouse of DAMU Logistics ( was held. The students were introduced to the process of practical implementation of logistics operations in the interval from the receipt of the received goods to their shipment for sale. Manager Anishev A.E. answered the students' questions regarding the internship and employment in DAMU Logistics, the basic requirements for the company's employees, etc.


The meeting was attended by students 1, 2, 3, 4 courses of the specialty "Logistics (by industry)" and the teaching staff of the department.