Outlines of the section "Modern problems of biotechnology" international conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi"Farabi University

Outlines of the section "Modern problems of biotechnology" international conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi"

12 april, 2021

April 7 at the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology KazNU named after Al-Farabi hosted the International Conference of Students and Young Scientists "Farabi Alemi". At the opening of the conference spoke the dean of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, an academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zayadan Bolatkhan Kazykhanovich. Then the reports were delivered in sections. Section on modern problems of biotechnology chairman: candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Kistaubaeva Aida Serikovna, and the moderators of the section were: doctor of biological sciences, professor Aytasheva Zaure Gainutdinovna, doctor of biological sciences, professor Karpenyuk Tatyana Anatolyevna. Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Zhumabayeva Beibitkul Akimalievna, Cand. Biol. Sciences, associate professor Zhunusbaeva Zhazira Kabulovna, doctor of biological sciences, professor Mukasheva Togzhan Dzhangeldinovna. In total, 14 students made presentations, of which the following students won prizes: I place, Angelina Gisbrecht (IV year); II place, Shukurbek Madina (IV course), Kamalbaeva Dinara (IV course); III place, Amina Raidinova (IV course), Sarsenbek Balausa (IV course); Myrzakhmetova Gulnaz (IV course).

Author: Doktyrbay G.

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