International students day

21 november, 2021

In 1946, at the World Congress of Students, held in Prague, in memory of the Czech patriotic students who were shot by the Nazi invaders on November 17, 1939. Since then this day was established as International Students Day. Since then, this date has been celebrated annually. On November 10, 2021, on the eve of the holiday, on the online platform of the center "Russian Language and Culture" of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, a meeting of students and undergraduates was held, dedicated to the International Day of Students.

Presenter Elena Polyanskaya told about the history of the holiday, which appeared long before the set date. Officially, the student holiday, celebrated on January 25, "Tatiana's Day" became such under Nicholas I. According to Chekhov's recollections: "On this day they drank everything that could be drunk, except for the Moskva River, and that was due to the fact that it was frozen."

Sarvinoz Rozikulova spoke about the history of higher education, which emerged over a thousand years BC. in the countries of the Ancient East, and then Alexandria and Ancient Greece. Sevara Toymetova presented the world's leading universities, the specifics of studying at them, such as Bologna, Harvard, Cambridge, Moscow University. M. Lomonosov and others.

At the event, undergraduates raised problematic issues in training, suggested ways to solve them, in addition, they talked about the oldest universities in Kazakhstan, including the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

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