Anniversary of Doctor of Law, Professor Ibraeva A.S.

18 october, 2022


Chairman of the Board – Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev congratulated Professor, Doctor of Law, legal scientist Ibraeva Alua Salamatovna on her 60th anniversary.


In his speech, the Rector noted that «for more than thirty years you have been worthily occupying the Department of Theory and History of State and Law of the University. You have become guardians of young people, educated students, and created your own scientific school. He has trained 18 candidates of sciences, four PhD doctors, and written more than 200 scientific papers. In the discipline «Theory of State and Law» in Kazakhstan, you became the author of the first textbook in the state language, took part in the publication of 10 monographs, 34 textbooks and teaching aids, 4 legal terminological dictionaries. Your substantial works in the field of jurisprudence have been recognized and highly appreciated in the scientific community.


Your fundamental research and academic achievements occupy a special place not only in the training of lawyers, but also in the formation of the domestic legal system» he said.