30 Years of UN Action in Kazakhstan: As seen through the eyes of Youth

17 february, 2023


On Thursday, 16 February, the UN Office in Almaty hosted a roundtable discussion on "30 Years of UN Action in Kazakhstan: As seen through the eyes of Youth" in honour of the opening day of the first UN Office in Kazakhstan. The event was organized by the Representative Office of the Department of Global Communications in Almaty and the Academic Regional Resource and Information Center about the UN, Faculty of International Relations, KazNU named after al-Farabi

The event was attended by Ms. Michaela Friberg-Storey, UN Resident Coordinator in Kazakhstan; Ms. Akmaral Arystanbekova, Ambassador-at-Large, First Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United Nations, ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor; Mr. Islambek Raimov, Deputy Head of the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan in Almaty; Mr. Justin Rashid, UN Security Adviser in Kazakhstan.


The moderators of the round table were Vlastimil Samek, Representative of the UN Department of Global Communications in Almaty and Delovarova Leyla Fedorovna, Director of the Academic Regional Resource and Information Center about the UN, Faculty of International Relations, KazNU named after al-Farabi.

The team of the UN Academic Regional Resource and Information Center in Almaty, the UN Model team and 20 students of the final year of the Faculty of International Relations, specialty "International Relations" of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University showed their projects on Sustainable Development Goals and the future vision of Kazakhstan's activities in the UN. 

- During the round table, Ms. Michaela Friberg-Storey in her welcoming speech noted the main points of Kazakhstan's activities within the framework of the UN.

- Mr. Islambek Raimov congratulated on the 30th anniversary of the founding of the First UN Representative Office in Kazakhstan, stressed the role and contribution of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in achieving the joint goals of the UN and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

- During her speech, Ms. Akmaral Arystanbekova spoke about the rich activities, ways and history of Kazakhstan within the framework of the UN.

- Mr. Justin Rashid noted that it is important to be realistic and optimistic in modern realities and follow all the principles of the UN in order to achieve universal peace and security.

- Ms. Leyla Fedorovna drew attention to the fact that Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is the Global hub of the UNAI program and that the activities of the Academic Regional Resource and Information Center about the UN contribute to the implementation of the SDGs in Kazakhstan.

- In turn, Mr. Vlastimil Samek, analyzing all the speeches of the participants, noted the importance and peculiarity of the SDGs, as well as the implementation process in Kazakhstan.

 The round table was held in a friendly atmosphere, where all participants and guests took the opportunity to discuss topical issues and methods of solving problems to achieve the SDGs, as well as share the main points of the history of cooperation between the United Nations and the Republic of Kazakhstan.