Kimeshek is a great symbol of motherhood

17 march, 2023

4th year students of the Department of Biotechnology held an event "Kimeshek - a great symbol of motherhood" during the week of "NATIONAL EDUCATION". Kimeshek is a Kazakh national headdress of married women made of thin white fabric, tightly fitting the head, covering the neck, chest, shoulders and back. Kimesheks of various Kazakh tribes and clans differed in cut, details on the head, length and nature of jewelry. The kimeshek of young women was especially richly decorated with embroidery, colored stitching, braid, as well as coral and pearl beads, silver plaques and other details. The kimeshek was worn after the birth of the first child, before that a married woman wore a saukele or its simpler version, a jelly. Thus, the kimeshek is a great symbol of motherhood. In a house where a woman wears a kimeshek, prosperity, comfort and order always reign.

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