Әл-Фараби атындағы Қазақ ұлттық университетінде «Фараби әлемі» атты студенттер мен жас ғалымдардың халықаралық ғылыми конференциясы өткізілді

9 april, 2023

In total, 90 abstracts were received in the section "Modern problems in Biotechnology", which was organized by the Biotechnology Department. Of them, the 5 abstracts were received from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Tashkent; 1 abstract from the Center of Biotechnology, 1 abstract is from the Tajik University of Tajikistan; 1 abstract from the Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems; 1 abstract from Eurasia Invest LLP Ltd."; 1 abstract from JSC "Scientific Center of Anti-infectious Drugs"; 3 abstracts from LLP "Scientific and Production Center of Microbiology and Virology"; 1 abstract from Alikhan Bokeikhan University BBM, Semey; 1 abstract from the Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Moreover, 76 abstracts were received from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

At the meeting of the section, "Modern problems in Biotechnology" of the international scientific conference of students and young scientists "Farabi Alemi" 24 oral presentations (reports) were presented. Of these:

- 18 reports from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

- 4 reports from the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Tashkent.

- 1 report from Alikhan Bokeikhan University BBM, Semey.

- 1 report from the Research Institute of Biological Safety Problems.


The commission consisted of advanced scientists and teachers of the Department of Biotechnology: PhD, Associate Professor Kaiyrmanova Gulzhan Kaiyrzhanovna, PhD, Professor Savitskaya Irina Stanislavovna, PhD, Associate Professor Yernazarova Gulzira Izmukhanovna, PhD, Associate Professor Turasheva Svetlana Kazbekovna, PhD, senior lecturer Orazova Saltanat Bolatovna, PhD, senior lecturer Amirova Aigul Kuzembayevna.

As the chairman of the commission, G.K. Kaiyrmanova, noted, all scientific works were very interesting, with high relevance and novelty, in many works the results of the work correspond to the objectives of the work, the experimental part of the work shows the great contribution of the participants. All participants were issued certificates of participation. In addition, the best were awarded with diplomas and prizes:

  • The diploma for the first place in the section "Modern problems in Biotechnology" for submission to the Rector's diploma awarded to a 4th year student of the Al–Farabi Kazakh National University - Sadykov Adai, the topic of the report: "Antimicrobial activity of phytoantiseptics
  • Diploma for the second place in the section "Modern problems in Biotechnology" was awarded to JSR of the Scientific and Research Institute of Biological Safety - Turyskeldi Sholpan, on the topic: "Use of microtransactions in Vaccine Development Technology" and to a student of the 4th year of Al-Farabi KazNU - Bazarkulova Dana. The topic of the report: "Cloning of the cDNA gene of the human thymine-DNA glycosylase enzyme in the prokaryotic system".

Diplomas for the third place in the section "modern problems of Biotechnology" were awarded to:

- Student of the 3rd year of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - Yestai Daniyar. The topic of the report: "Setting up a model experiment for enhanced oil recovery using Bacillus strains isolated from Akingen oilfield"

- Student of the 4th year of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - Mukhamedkalayev Dias. The topic of the report: "Selection of components of the nutrient medium and cultivation conditions for the production of microbial polyhydroxybutyrate"

- Student 3rd year of the Alikhan Bokeikhan University, Semey - Sharipkhanova Aiym. The topic of the report: "Obtaining Resource-Saving dairy products".


Head of the Department of Biotechnology, PhD, acting Professor Aida Serikovna Kistaubayeva congratulated all participants and noted the following: "More and younger people are interested in science and become researchers. And our conference "Farabi Alemi" is an excellent platform where they will acquire such skills as the ability to present themselves and their research project, to talk about the scientific result in a simple and accessible way, to hone the skills of future scientists."

Based on the results of the plenary, breakout sessions and discussions, the Conference recommends:

- To stimulate the growth of scientific research of students, undergraduates and young teachers in the development of priority areas;

- To carry out close scientific cooperation in biotechnology research with the involvement of leading foreign scientists;

- Pay special attention to the possibility of publishing joint scientific papers, applications for grants and competitions, exchange and networking programs between universities, research institutes of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.




• Deputy Head of the Department for Scientific and Innovative Work of Molecular Biology and Genetics Department Zhusupova Aizhan Izbasarovna

• Senior Lecturer of the Biotechnology Department Doktyrbai Gulina

• Secretary of the 4th section, lecturer of the Biotechnology Department Sandybayeva Sandugash.

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