On April 13-14, 2023, within the framework of the spring school, open lectures on topical issues of research planning will be held by visiting professor of the Department of Health Policy and Organization A. M. Grzhibovsky.

10 april, 2023

The purpose of the event is to teach about the choice of methodology and research design, statistical analysis of biomedical data and publication in international peer-reviewed journals.

About the lecturer:

A.M. Grzhibovsky - Head of the Department for Scientific and Innovative Work of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the NSMU of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Professor of Sechenov University (Moscow), Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Arctic Monitoring. In 2001-2017 worked as a senior adviser to the Chief Epidemiologist of Norway, a senior adviser to the University of Oslo on biostatistics, and a professor of public health at the Arctic University of Norway, coordinated Norway Grants & European Economic Area Grants in the field of healthcare in Europe, since 2022 is an expert of Russian Science Foundation. He is an author of more than 600 scientific publications, including more than 200 full-text articles in Web of Science/Scopus journals, including Q1. H-index - 23. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Human Ecology" (Scopus Q3), the associate editor from Russian Federation in the Internaitonal Journal of Circumpolar Health (WoS, Scopus Q2), column editor in Vaccines (Scopus Q2). WHO expert analyst on assessing the vulnerability of the population of Kazakhstan to climate change (2011-2012).

We ask all interested persons to take part in the work of the spring school and the discussion of the above tasks, the exchange of experience.


of open lectures of visiting - Professor of the Department of Health Policy and Organization Grzhibovsky A.M. during spring school

Date and time

Lecture topic



The main reasons for refusal to publish, typical for authors from the CIS countries: the view of the editor of an international journal



The choice of a statistical criterion for data analysis depending on the objectives of the study: review, strategy, nuances



Calculation of the required sample size for the study: programs, formulas, common sense



Grant application through the eyes of an international grant program coordinator and an expert: the main reasons for rejection and how to increase the likelihood of success



Multivariate methods for analyzing biomedical data: basic principles of application, features of presentation in scientific publications



Foreign scientific consultant for a Kazakhstani doctoral student: what it is, what to expect from it and how to get the most out of having it

Venue: KazNU named after al-Farabi, GUK - 3, Cluster for the development of business competencies, Higher School of Economics and Business, room 205

Organizers: Department of Health Policy and Organization of the Faculty of Medicine and Healthcare

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