Журналисты Пресс-службы КазНУ были награждены

4 july, 2023

Awards and certificates were presented to employees of the Department of Information and Communication of the University at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
The head of the University Zhanseit Tuimebayev congratulated the journalists of the Press Service on their professional holiday and said kind words.

He recalled the words of the President of Kazakhstan: "To build a Fair Kazakhstan, it is necessary to update the system of values of society and the formation of a new quality of our nation. The mass media are called upon to play a key role in this, contributing to the popularization of the cult of labor and knowledge, the ideals of a responsible citizen. The mass media make a great contribution to strengthening the partnership between the state and society, and act as an effective platform for productive civil dialogue." The Rector also expressed gratitude to the journalists covering the activities of the university.

After that, he presented the badge "Akparat salasyn uzdigi" of the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the head of the Information and Monitoring Sector of the Department of Information and Communications Gul Bayandina, Chief Specialist of the newspaper "Qazaq Universiteti" Kulyash Kadyrbaeva, chief specialist of the newspaper "Qazaq Universiteti" Kairzhan Torezhanov. A letter of thanks from the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbekovich noted the work of the chief expert of the Information and Monitoring Sector Svetlana Umyrgaleeva.

A letter of thanks from the Chairman of the Board – Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev was received by: Chief Expert of the Press Service Department Gulzat Tabyn, Head of the Farabi Media Department Bakhyt Amirbek, Chief Specialist of the Information and Communications Department Marat Zhunusbekov, Chief expert of the Farabi Media TV Studio, video editing operator Ubayda Shertaev, leading specialist of the TV studio "Farabi Media", cameraman Yerkebulan Nurdaulet, leading specialist of the TV studio "Farabi Media", designer Bakhytnur Abdikarim.

Also at the event, the head of the university presented special certificates of the Parasat trade union: Zaman Ketebayev, the chief designer of the website, and Enlik Akzhigit, the chief specialist of the Department of Information and Communications.

Housing certificates under the Almaty Zhastary program were received by specialists of the Department of Information and Communication: Sherkhan Moldakhmet, Nursultan Zheksenbayev, Enlik Akzhigit and Nurgul Onerbek.

Press Service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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