2 february, 2023

The annual international forum Digital Almaty is the largest Tech event, which is held in Almaty with the participation of business representatives, international experts, the IT community, government agencies and the media. At the forum scientists of KazNU presented educational programs and scientific projects.

The first proposed project "Advanced IBOX Platform of Universal Device Agent" is aimed at developing a domestic hardware and software complex that helps to solve a number of tasks of monitoring the operation of laboratory and industrial equipment.

The next scientific project is ‘Modernization of Digital Tourist Content: Mobile Applications, Panoramic 3D Tours, Interactive Maps and QR codes’. Its goal is to diversify the country's economy through the development of domestic tourism and the consolidation of information about tourist destinations in Kazakhstan.

As part of the project ‘Development and Creation of University Nanosatellites of the Al-Farabi Series’, the launch of the Al-Farabi-1 and Al-Farabi-2 nanosatellites has been successfully carried out to date. The most prestigious universities and commercial organizations in the world are engaged in the development and creation of such small spacecrafts. The main goal of the project is to develop students' knowledge and skills in the field of nanosatellite development, improve teamwork skills and time management.

The project "Sensors based on Nanomaterials" presents a sought-after, high-tech product. Modern Nanotechnological approaches will be used in the creation of sensors, which will improve the characteristics of the products. The main consumers will be public schools and universities. The sensors are applicable in domestic use, in industry for notification in case of an emergency.

Educational programs of KazNU ‘Computer Engineering’, ‘Informatics’, ‘System Engineering’, ‘Informatics’ were also presented at the exhibition.