KazNU students received a certificate from the Polish University

10 april, 2023

Students of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Kazkh notional university Al-Farabi took part in the international online course "Structural condition control and testing by non-destructive methods", organized by the Polish University AGH.

 The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and robotics is one of the oldest and largest faculties of the AGH University of Science and engineering. The lesson was conducted by qualified professors of this faculty Lukas Pechonka, Krzysztof Holak, Jakub Spytek, Kaetan Dzedzeh. The course is intended for students studying engineering. The students got acquainted with the basics of assessing and monitoring the state of existing industrial structures.

The course included the reasons for the introduction of SHM (structural condition monitoring) and NDT (non-destructive testing) technologies, as well as the principles of their operation, including methods for obtaining, processing and interpreting data using artificial intelligence methods.

During the online lessons, which lasted five days, the participants had the opportunity to communicate with teachers and ask questions. The lecturers shared their theoretical knowledge, as well as significant practical and production experience to strengthen the importance of SHM and NDT methods.

As a result of the course implemented within the framework of the project "Study on vacation at the Mining and Metallurgical Academy in Krakow for the purpose of education in the direction of sustainable Industry 4.0", 4th year students of the Department of Mechanics Abdidin Alina, Momysh Nazerke and Ubiev Arman received an international certificate.

 Turakina Dinara,

Ph.D.,   Deputy Head of the Department