Archaeologists of KazNU and Cambridge conducted joint research

The archaeological expedition of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, together with specialists from the University of Cambridge, conducted research on monuments of the Bronze and early Iron Ages.
Under the leadership of the head of the Department of Archeology, Ethnology and Museology of KazNU Rinat Zhumatayev, excavations were carried out in the area of the village of Ainabulak of the Zaisan district of the East Kazakhstan region. The research was initiated within the framework of the program of the East Kazakhstan regional Akimat "Development of scientific research in the field of archeology". In the course of field work, a complete topographic plan of the Ainabulak-Temirsu burial ground was compiled, several burial mounds were examined.
The burial place of a woman was cleared in one of the mounds. Next to him they found a bronze tip and a hanger, a bronze bowl, 180 asyks and a bronze object with the image of a frog. At the same time, three ancient settlements were identified.
"During the excavations, together with foreign specialists, we took samples of metal objects, bones and soil inside the graves in the field. In the future, full–fledged interdisciplinary research will continue in the laboratories of the University of Cambridge," said the head of the expedition.
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