KazNU scientists take part in Shanghai Fair

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took part in the 23rd International Industrial Fair CIIF (PRC), where the university presented six research and innovation projects.
It should be noted that the international exhibition is held in Shanghai every fall and its main focus is the demonstration of branded production equipment. It was attended by about 3 thousand companies and organizations, including 100 universities of the world. As the director of the Department of Science and Innovation at Al-Farabi KazNU, Zholdas Buribayev, noted, the CIIF International Industrial Fair is one of the largest exhibitions and is an important platform for economic and trade exchanges and cooperation in China. "A special exhibition area has been set aside for universities. Today, such an industry fair has become one of the most influential platforms where universities can showcase their scientific and technological innovation projects and exchange experiences."
During the event, Al-Farabi KazNU signed a memorandum of cooperation with SHI-Tech PARK Technopark of Shanghai University. The signed document provides for the exchange of experience and knowledge, information and resources, development of competence, development and implementation of new technological solutions, creation of joint projects for commercialization.
Ярмарка продлится до 23 сентября.
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