KazNU conducts joint research with Tianjin Institute of Industrial BiotechnologyFarabi University

KazNU conducts joint research with Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology

18 september, 2023

Scientists from Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIB CAS) visited Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology (TIB) is a big research center equipped with the advanced equipment for high-throughput screening, system biotechnology, fermentation optimization, experimental testing and genome synthesis. The Department of Biology and Biotechnology joined the Biotechnology Industry Alliance on April 14, 2021, and is a member of the COMSATS Combined Center for Industrial Biotechnology (CCIB) with universities and research institutes from 27 countries.

As part of this landmark visit, Professor Zhiyung Huang, Chief Coordinator of the Bio-Agriculture TIB CAS group, and Associate Professor Jinjin Wang met with Meruert Kurmanbaeva, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, where the prospects for cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of biotechnology were discussed.

One of the main highlights of the visit is joint research in the field of Bio-Agriculture supported by the Tianjin SynBio program. Projects led by young scientists of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Asemgul Sadvakasova and PhD Meruert Bauenova in the field of research and development of synthetic microbial fertilizers and biopesticides received funding under the Tianjin SynBio program. These projects are of high strategic importance for the two countries. As the introduction of biofertilizers in agricultural technologies, particularly in rice cultivation, is a key element in improving the sustainability of agricultural systems, reducing environmental impact and increasing the yield of cultivated plants. In order to implement these projects, our guests visited rice fields in Kazakhstan to analyze the results of the experiments.

Also, Prof. Zhiyoung Huang, Chief Coordinator of Bio-Agriculture Group, gave an introductory lecture to the faculty members, young scientists and students of the faculty, during which he introduced the structure of TIB Research Institute and their research and development activities in the field of agro-biotechnology.

He emphasized the contribution of our scientists in collaborative research, highlighting the importance of joint efforts in this field.

The Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology aims to further deepen cooperation with TIB CAS. Therefore, this visit is only the beginning of strengthening long-term cooperation, contributing to the development of domestic science on a global scale.

During the visit the guests familiarized themselves with the research laboratories and infrastructure of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology. A tour of the University was also conducted.