Rector participated in the forum of the Association of Law Schools of the SCO countries

13 september, 2023

The opening ceremony of the Forum of the Association of Law Schools of the SCO countries, dedicated to the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Center for International Legal Training and Cooperation for the SCO (China) was held in Shanghai today. Mr. Zhanseit Tuimebayev, Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi KazNU, took part in its work.

The forum is held at the Shanghai Political Law University. At the opening ceremony, Ms. Liu Xiaohun, Rector of the University, Chief of Staff of the Center for International Legal Training and Cooperation for the SCO (PRC), made a welcoming speech.

Also the Rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev addressed the delegates of the Forum on behalf of many thousands of teachers and students of the Al- Farabi Kazakh National University. The speaker noted the increasing role of leading universities in the process of improving comprehensive cooperation and strengthening socio-economic and legal interaction of the SCO countries.

Today KazNU carries out a lot of work to strengthen interregional cooperation, development of scientific and educational interaction with universities of the SCO countries (China, Russia and Central Asia).

KazNU permanently heads the Global Hub of the UN Program "Academic Impact" of the Sustainable Development Goals. KazNU has opened its branches in Istanbul and Bishkek, a branch of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI operates on the basis of the university, procedures are underway to open a branch of Northwest Polytechnic University of China. 

Within the framework of the state visit of the President of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev to Xi'an in May of the current year, the documents promoting deepening of cooperation between KazNU and universities of the PRC were signed. KazNU is a member of the Coordinating Committee of the Alliance of New Silk Road Universities and realizes a number of projects aimed at deepening cooperation in the field of education, science and innovation with the use of modern IT-technologies. Between KazNU and Chinese universities there is an active academic mobility and today there are 401 Chinese students studying in KazNU. Al- Farabi KazNU closely cooperates with the universities of Central Asia. It should be noted about cooperation of the Law Faculty of KazNU with the SCO universities.

Faculty of Law of KazNU is one of the active structural subdivisions participating in international and regional collaboration. With the University of Pennsylvania (USA), University of Wismar (Germany), Baku State University (Azerbaijan) are trained specialists on double-diploma programs.

"From the SCO countries, 155 students from China, Russia, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan study at the Faculty of Law. The Faculty of Law is an active participant of scientific research of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as many international scientific projects. For example, scientists of the Faculty of Law of KazNU, at the request of Mr. Jiang Siyuan, Secretary General of the Center for Exchange and Cooperation under the Legal Services Commission for the SCO, completed a voluminous scientific review of the state of constitutional legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the ongoing constitutional reforms in Kazakhstan. I want to express great satisfaction with this work and hope for further cooperation", - said the Rector of KazNU Mr. Zhanseit Tuimebaev.

In his speech, the rector also touched upon the ranking criteria of SCO universities and proposed to develop a rating of universities of SCO countries. The problems and ways of solving the issue of integration in the field of higher education within the SCO were also noted.

At the end of his speech the rector of KazNU noted that next year KazNU celebrates 90 years since the date of its foundation and proposed to hold the next meeting of the Association of Law Universities of the SCO countries in Almaty, on the basis of KazNU within the framework of anniversary events.

The forum included a meeting on training of highly qualified specialists and panel discussions.