Financial literacy is highly valued in the modern world. First of all, it is a tool for improving one's own well-being and standard of living. If we want to improve our lives, earn more by putting less physical effort into it, then we should start by improving financial literacy.
As we know, financial literacy is a set of knowledge, skills and attitudes in the field of financial behavior of a person leading to improved well—being and improved quality of life. Financial literacy affects the overall well-being of a person, as well as the overall economy of the country.
Robert Kiyosaki, author of the bestseller "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" wrote that the financial and economic literacy of an individual consists of knowledge of the tax code; theoretical and practical knowledge of accounting; drawing up a basic plan of income and expenses; knowledge of the concept of "Money" and their use. These foundations are the foundation of financial literacy of students, as well as the goal of sustainable development of the department, which graduates graduates of the specialty "Logistics". The better students know the financial system, the more they will earn as logistics specialists.
In this regard, financial literacy helps students to fulfill the goals of sustainable development and objectives, successfully implement their plans in obtaining a quality education. That is, the better a student understands basic and advanced economic concepts, the more he understands how to improve his life in the future. One of the goals of students to get a quality education is financial literacy.
So, on October 6, 2023, on the implementation of the sustainable development goal of the Department of Business Technologies, under the leadership of the head of the department Akhmetova Z.B. and associate professors Sartova R.B. and Kamali K.M., a guest lecture was organized for 4th-year students of the specialty "Logistics", where a specialist of the Department of Consumer Protection of Financial Services of the Financial Regulation Agency Kogabay Shynar Zhumagalikyzy held a lecture on the topic: "Improving financial literacy." The lecture was very interesting, where students asked the lecturer questions they were interested in to increase their knowledge of financial indicators.
Thus, after acquiring knowledge on financial literacy, graduate students can proceed to expand their knowledge in the field of investment, business, marketing and logistics. Increasing the level of financial literacy is the key to stability and well–being.