Student reports on Sustainable Development Goals.

19 october, 2023

10/18/2023 1st year students of the Faculty of Public Health prepared reports on the Sustainable Development Goals. The group discussed 4 reports on the following SDGs:

- No. 3. Good health and well-being

- No. Clean water and sanitation

- No. 15 Conservation of terrestrial ecosystems

- No. 5 Gender equality

Since students of the faculty in the future will become specialists who will work in the field of public health, these goals were chosen for discussion.

Speaker Isentaeva Azhar spoke on the topic Good health and well-being, outlined the main provisions of goal No. 3, which is increasing life expectancy, accessibility and quality of healthcare and promoting a healthy lifestyle. Students discussed the topic of solving these problems in the Republic of Kazakhstan, shared their ideas on how to achieve these target indicators.

Umida Karshibayeva made a report on the implementation of Goal No. 6 to achieve the provision of clean water and sanitation to people, focusing on the fact that about 40% of the planet's population does not have sufficient water resources, and also that every day about a thousand children die from water-related diseases prevention of diarrheal diseases caused by problems in the water supply.

Student Timur Popov reported on the problems of environmental pollution and issues on implementing solutions to improve the environment were discussed, since this is an important factor affecting public health. The guys discussed their vision and proposals for methods of eliminating or reducing harmful emissions into the environment.

Students Zharmukhamet Aiym, Kurambaeva Gulzeba, Akhmetova Gulzada, Nurmedova Aybolek and Kuryazova Dinara made a report on achieving goal No. 5 Gender equality. They discussed the problems of achieving equal rights and opportunities for men and women, as well as issues related to violence against girls and women. This problem has consequences for the mental and physical health of girls and women, which is an integral part of public health and the health of future generations.

Thus, all students took an active part in the lesson dedicated to the achievements of SDG indicators.

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