UNESCO Chair Сonference on Models of Teaching Journalism for Sustainable Development

The UNESCO Department of Journalism and Communication, with the support of the UNESCO Office in Almaty, on April 6, 2023, opened the VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Models of Teaching International Journalism for Sustainable Development (MTIJ)". This scientific platform has been gathering interested scientists and practitioners for the seventh year to discuss ways to achieve high standards of education and implement UNESCO's priorities in the field of sustainable development. The conference is attended by media executives, scientists and researchers in the field of mass communication from the USA, Poland, Turkey, Russia and Kyrgyzstan. Master classes of leading experts in the field of world and national journalism are also being implemented.
Over the past seven years, the department has interacted with 122 international media professionals, journalism teachers and media researchers. 75 academic institutions, including 43 outside Kazakhstan. The department has implemented 5 projects with the support of UNESCO/IPRC and UN Women.
The fruitful scientific discussion was attended by Professor of the University of Debrecen (Hungary) Biczo Gabor, President of the Nepalese Society of Journalists Pradeep Kafi, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism of the International University "Ala-Too" (Kyrgyzstan) Elira Turdaliyeva, Associate Professor of Penza State University (Russia) Galina Zueeva, journalist of the Mediahab portal (Armenia) Nare Gevorkyan, President of the Foundation of Turkic-speaking Journalists (Kazakhstan) Naziya Zhoyamergenkyzy et al .
The conference participants from different countries discussed the concepts of sustainable development of society, new formats of cross-cultural communication, journalistic tools and the potential of local media in maintaining sustainability. In the discussions, not only eminent researchers from Europe and Asia expressed their point of view, but also students, undergraduates, doctoral students who are taking only the first steps in the scientific field. Among the recommendations of the conference is to organize more often master classes on the dissemination of international standards in journalism, including recommended by UNESCO, holding competitions for the best programs, publications, blogs covering the problem of sustainable development, strengthening scientific cooperation between scientists from the West and the East. Journalists should observe journalistic ethics and carefully check the information they broadcast to society, and bloggers should adhere to these standards.
Master classes of leading experts in the field of global and national journalism on new media were held for students of universities in Central Asia.
The current conference "Models of Teaching International Journalism for Sustainable Development (MTIJ) She once again confirmed that issues of interaction and trust in jouralism are more important today than ever.
UNESCO Chair Сonference on Models of Teaching Journalism for Sustainable Development | UNESCO
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