In KazNU discussed the issues of modern farabieology

24 october, 2023

On the eve of the National Holiday - Republic Day, the Kazakh National University hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Virtuous Man in the Legacy of Al-Farabi, Virtuous Society and Modern Ethics".

The event is organized with the support of the Research Institute of Cultural and Social Studies of the Ministry of Science, the Cultural Organization and the Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Associate Professor Bekzhan Meyerbaev addressed the participants with a welcoming speech. In his speech, he focused on the tasks of the program of cultural exchange between the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Culture of the Islamic Republic for 2022-2025, approved during the official visit of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym-Jomart Tokayev to Iran. One of such tasks is the joint work of scientists of the two countries in the field of farabiye studies. Within the framework of this activity a large-scale work on preparation and publication of the catalog of Al-Farabi library in Kazakh and Persian languages has been carried out.  In addition, the Al-Farabi Center is holding a competition for grant funding for scientific projects of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2023-2025 "The Virtuous Man in the Legacy of Al-Farabi and Turkic Scholars: Comparativist Discourse" and "Philosophy of Language and Language of Philosophy in the Teachings of Abu Nasr Al-Farabi".

"I am sure that within the framework of today's event you will be able to share your knowledge on issues relevant to the development of our country. I wish you success in the work of the conference," Bekzhan Meyerbaev, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of KazNU, concluded his speech.

Consul General of the Islamic Republic of Iran Faghani Muhsin, who thanked the leadership of KazNU for support and warm welcome, also spoke at the meeting. "The great thinker al-Farabi is respected in Iran. At the meeting of leaders of the Islamic Republic and Kazakhstan last year, President Kasym-Jomart Tokayev, emphasizing the value of historical and cultural ties between the two countries, proposed to create a joint scientific committee. This initiative was supported by the highest officials of the two countries, this committee was established, and several programs were analyzed and approved to study and cultivate the profound aspects of Farabi's personality and scientific works," said Mr. Faghani.

Then plenary speeches were delivered by Avani Gulamreza, member of the Iranian Academy of Sciences, President of the Association of Iranian Philosophy, Professor of Shahid Beheshti University, Gholami Reza, Head of the Institute of Cultural, Social and Civilization Studies, Associate Professor of the Research Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Nur-Mubarak Ikhtiar Paltore, Director of the Department of Science and Innovation of the Egyptian University of Islamic Culture, and others.

ВDuring the meeting the ceremony of awarding the guest of honor, President of the Association of Iranian Philosophy, Professor of Shahid Bakhshti University Avani Gulamreza with the medal "Yeren eenbegi ushin" of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University took place.

The conference continued with breakout sessions, where scientists and recognized experts discussed topical issues of modern farabieology.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University