SDG 5 "Gender Equality"Farabi University

SDG 5 "Gender Equality"

6 november, 2023

06.11. 2023, as part of the implementation of the UN SDG 5 "Gender Equality", the Department of Customs, Financial and Environmental Law of the Faculty of Law of аl-Farabi Kazakh National University held a scientific seminar among 3rd year students of the Faculty of Law of the Kazakh National University. On the theme "Ensuring gender equality and empowering women" Gender equality is not only one of the basic human rights, but also a necessary basis for achieving peace, prosperity and sustainable development. Over the past decades, progress has been made in the world: more and more girls go to school, fewer girls are forced into early marriages, more and more women work in government bodies and occupy leadership positions. Legislative reform is underway to ensure gender equality. Despite these achievements, many problems remain: discriminatory laws and social norms are still widespread, women are also underrepresented at all levels of politics.