SDG 11. Sustainable cities and communities

10 november, 2023

Graduates and current employees from the Faculty of Physics and Technology, Kazakh National University, work in many scientific and educational institutions of our city and Republic. Their qualifications and experience are in high demand, including the one of the Institute of Seismology of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Our city is located in an area of increased seismic activity and all issues of safety, vitality and environmental sustainability of the city and its neighborhoods are dependent by its readiness to adequately respond to this challenge of nature. City development plans, technical characteristics of buildings, water supply and drainage systems, transport communications and all social infrastructure are created and operate based on the forecasts and operational information generated by the Institute and its related organizations.

Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, Candidate of Technical Sciences,  PhD, Kusainov A.S. works at the Laboratory of Regional Seismicity of the Institute. The Laboratory develops seismic hazard maps of the city and all regions of the Republic, as well as methods for predicting earthquakes using seismological data.

With his participation, mathematical and statistical methods of data analysis are used, new methods are developed to quickly respond to the rapidly changing seismological situation of the city and the Republic. Such cooperation has a beneficial effect on the development of the academic environment of the University, creating strong connections between the learning process and practical science, and increasing the safety and vitality of our common home.