RAS academicians Askar Akaev and Robert Nigmatulin met with KazNU scientists

9 november, 2023

KazNU hosted a meeting of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Institute for Mathematical Research of Complex Systems at Lomonosov Moscow State University Askar Akayev and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Director of the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Robert Nigmatulin with scientists, teachers and students of the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Al-Farabi KazNU.

Famous scientists take part in the I International scientific Conference "A new way of decarbonization of the economy (KZGT-2023)". For the honored guests, they conducted a tour of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, demonstrated the liquid and gas laboratory.

Then there was a meeting of academicians with the staff of the faculty. The purpose of the event in the 13th and 15th directions of the Sustainable Development Goals is interaction with scientists, exchange of experience, discussion of topical issues in the field of energy and ecology, economy.

Chairman of the Board Zhanseit Tuimebayev introduced the scientists, emphasizing their merits and contribution to science. "It is wonderful when such a rare opportunity is provided for live communication and exchange of opinions with recognized authorities in science. Welcoming Askar Akaevich and Robert Iskanderovich to our university, I am sure that the communication of scientists from friendly countries in a democratic, scientific environment will bear fruit."

The guests were pleased to share their memories of studying at universities, the first steps in science, current problems and challenges that scientists around the world face today, dealing with projects in the field of sustainable development, combating global warming and climate change.

The meeting ended with an exchange of views, during a lively discussion, the participants were able to ask questions and get detailed, meaningful answers to them.

After the meeting, Askar Akayev and Robert Nigmatulin visited the KazNU campus, where they got acquainted with the work of the Center for Process Innovations, the Faculties of Chemistry and Chemical Technology and Physics and Technology.