Impact of the energy transition and modern world transformations on the decarbonization of the economy

9 november, 2023

The actual topic "Influence of energy transition and modern world transformations on decarbonization of economy and realization of new opportunities for development of fuel and energy complex" is devoted to the report of professor, doctor of economic sciences, academician of RAEN Institute of Energy Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri Plakitin at the І international scientific conference "New way of decarbonization of economy (KZGT-2023)".

Professor Y. Plakitin examines global world transformations - demographic, technological and political-economic transitions, the dynamics of technical innovation, and energy development options in the light of the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG-17). This strategy unites countries in the face of global environmental challenges, man-made and natural disasters.
