KazNU scientists published eight monographs in European publishing housesFarabi University

KazNU scientists published eight monographs in European publishing houses

16 november, 2023

Scientists of Al-Farabi KazNU within the framework of the Institute of Security Problems and Cooperation under the guidance of Professor K.I.Baizakova conduct research work on the project "Modern geopolitical realities and their impact on the spread of religious radicalism among young people in Central Asia: new trends and international practice".

Scientists conducted a comprehensive scientific study aimed at identifying the reasons for the spread of ideological influence of transnational religious extremist organizations on young people in Central Asia and prepared recommendations for government agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan, forming the system of regional and national security. The recommendations took into account the analysis of international experience and new trends in this area. The work is carried out within the framework of projects of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan.

As the project leader, Prof. Kuralay Bayzakova noted: "The aim of the project is to identify mechanisms to strengthen regional unity and develop recommendations to ensure effective cooperation of CA countries in the financial sphere, cross-border trade and logistics, in solving water-energy and other problems".

Scientists of the Institute of Security Problems and Cooperation at KazNU implement joint international projects with foreign colleagues from the University of Le Havre Normandy (France), researchers from the European Center for Security Studies named after J. Marshall and others. J. Marshall European Center for Security Studies and others.

Thus, 15 joint international conferences "Europe-Asia" and seminars "Logistics and Diplomacy" and a number of "round tables" were held. All these scientific forums were held in Al-Farabi KazNU, in the University of Le Havre Normandy, as well as in partner universities in Korea, Mongolia, in CA countries.

Professors K.I.Baizakova, F.T.Kukeyeva, K.N.Makasheva participated in three congresses of Asia and Pacific countries in Paris, highlighting the position of Kazakhstan on modern problems of international relations.

Based on the results of joint scientific projects, eight collective monographs were published in well-known European publishing houses Peter Lang, EMC, and others. "These monographs cover a wide range of issues of modern international relations, including the impact of geopolitical turbulence on the countries of Central Asia, the formation of a "new regionalism" in our region, Kazakhstan's strategic partnership with the European Union within the framework of the new EU strategy for Central Asia; cooperation with China within the framework of the initiative "One Belt - One Road", the prospects for improving the transport and logistics capabilities of Kazakhstan", - said Kuralai Baizakova.

The main directions of scientific research: bilateral and multilateral relations in Kazakhstan's foreign policy, regional integration processes, regional security problems, cooperation of Kazakhstan with international organizations: SCO, CICA, EU, OSCE, NATO and others.

The results of these scientific studies open new discourses for Kazakhstani science on the study of regional security, regional integration, multilateral cooperation.