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- Dear students and teachers! The Office of Academic and Digital Innovations and the Faculty of Information Technology are pleased to announce a webinar on the topic "Using ChatGPT technology in data analysis" as part of the webinar cycle of the Digital Teacher Workshop program.
Dear students and teachers! The Office of Academic and Digital Innovations and the Faculty of Information Technology are pleased to announce a webinar on the topic "Using ChatGPT technology in data analysis" as part of the webinar cycle of the Digital Teacher Workshop program.
Dear students and teachers!
The Office of Academic and Digital Innovations and the Department of Information Systems of the Faculty of Information Technologies are glad to announce a webinar on the topic "Using ChatGPT technology in data analysis" as part of the webinar cycle of the Digital Teacher Workshop program.
The seminar will be held on November 24 at 12:00.
The speaker of the event will be Vladislav Igorevich Karyukin, senior lecturer of the Department of Information Systems, a leading specialist in working with artificial intelligence systems.
Connection link: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aMc7KHtiq59iV8iAnFsWsVjc4U1-tgNNA1vtUYYA8WCM1%40thread.tacv2/1700541634001?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b0ab71a5-75b1-4d65-81f7-f479b4978d7b%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22189c50aa-6386-4c63-91ae-e54a7379c0c0%22%7d
The webinar program includes the following topics:
1. Overview of the latest neural network technologies: basic concepts of the architecture and operation of neural networks used for natural language processing.
2. Overview of ChatGPT technology: the main features and capabilities of ChatGPT that allow processing queries in natural language, which makes the technology especially valuable in the field of data analysis.
3. Preparation of queries for effective work with a chatbot: preparation and formulation of queries that allow you to maximize the potential of ChatGPT, taking into account its natural language processing abilities.
4. Setting up and integrating ChatGPT to work with the API: the processes of setting up and integrating ChatGPT into existing systems and applications via the API. This is an important part that allows you to expand the use of ChatGPT in various business processes and IT projects.
5. Review and application of various ChatGPT applications: review and analysis of various applications based on ChatGPT technology, including image generation, text recognition, etc.
Participants will be shown practical examples of using these applications in data analysis and other areas.
We invite everyone to take part in the webinar! Watch and learn with us!
Sincerely, the Office of Academic and Digital Innovation.
Link to the webinar recording: https://youtu.be/W7yc4pGdCak