22 november, 2023

November 21 (Tuesday) 2023 on the eve of the 90th anniversary of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University at the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of KazNU named after. al-Farabi (Masanchi St. 39/47, room 123) an international round table “Youth radicalism: problems, diagnosis and prevention” was held.

The purpose of the round table was to discuss the problems of youth radicalism, exchange opinions and experiences, and search for additional opportunities for further research into the risks of radicalization of Kazakhstani society and its prevention.

The round table implements the sustainable development goals of SDG 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities”, SDG 17 “Global Partnership for Development”.

The round table was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science B.B. Meirbaev, professor at the University of Modern Sciences (Netherlands), clinical psychologist (Germany) A.I. Garber; Vice-Rector for Educational Work of the Kazakh-British Technical University E.S. Smolyakova; Vice-Rector for Academic and Educational Activities of the International University of Information Technologies A.K. Mustafina; Vice-Rector for Social Development of the University of International Business B.R. Kulov; representatives of the Academy of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan; professor of the department A.Kh. Aimaganbetova (round table organizer); Head of the Department of General and Applied Psychology A.K. Mynbaeva, Head of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi A.D. Kurmanalieva, university teachers, school psychologists, and other participants.

The meeting began with the awarding of visiting professor A.I. Garber with the KazNU medal for his contribution to international cooperation for more than 10 years.


Speakers: vice-rectors of universities E.S. Smolyakova (KBTU), A.K. Mustafina (MIIT), B.R. Kulov (UMB) shared their experience of educational and social work on the prevention of radicalism, actively asked questions to the main speakers on the conducted scientific research “Psychophysiological study of susceptibility to radicalist sentiments using a polygraph and primary prevention of radicalization of students” of the Scientific Research Institute of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Professor A.I. Garber shared information and research on youth radicalization studies in Germany.


A fruitful exchange of views took place on methods of detection and prevention, possible corrective work with students, adolescents, and youth.

As part of the round table, monographs of the project were presented: O.Kh. Aimaganbetova, B.M. Kazikhanov, Z.B. Madalieva E.T. Adilova, G.A. Kasen, Z.M. Sadvakasova, Sh.N. Zakaryanova, L.O. Baimoldina - “Psychophysiological study of students’ susceptibility to radicalist sentiments using a polygraph: monograph - Almaty: Kazakh Universiteties, 2023. - 213 p.