Almaty city Sambo Championship among girls and boys

29 october, 2023

October 29, 2023, KazAST, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Almaty city Sambo Championship among girls and boys.

According to the results of the fights, our students took four first places, one second and one third place.

Our girls:

Aitbai Aiman – Geofak, 1st place in the 54 kg weight category;

Soltankan Aruzhan – Philology, 1st place in the 50 kg weight category;

Konysbaeva Zhansaule – Medical Faculty, 1st place in the 59 kg weight category;

Komek Aizhan – Geofak, 2nd place in the weight category.

Our young men:

Zhanatbek Yernar - Magistracy Law School, 1st place in the 58 kg weight category;

Yertas Alfarabi – Geofak, 3rd place in the 71 kg weight category.

Coach: Bakayev Birzhan

Temirov Nurgalym

Altybaev Samat

The sports club congratulates the winners and prize-winners of the competition!

Sports Club

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