5 november, 2023

On November 2-5, 2023, the KazAST Boxing Championship tournament among young people born in 2006-2007, dedicated to the Republic Day, was held in the boxing hall at the Alash Stadium, Almaty.

KazNU students took part in this tournament and took places:

1st place

Zharilkat Bekarys, 1st year student of the HSE – in the 57 kg weight category,

Galim Danial, 1st year student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics - in the weight category of 71 kg,

3rd place

Medetbek Kaysar is a 1st year student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics - in the weight category of 60 kg,

Yerasyl Kapsalyamov is a 1st year student of the Higher School of Economics – in the weight category of 63.5 kg.

The coach: Saidagali D.S., Sharipkhanov J.B.

The sports club congratulates

Sports Club

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