"Lessons of wisdom and morality"

30 november, 2023

 On November 30, 2023, Russian Philology and World Literature Department together with the 1st year doctoral students of the Faculty of Philology held an educational event: "The  Literary Lounge —"Lessons of Wisdom and Morality"  within the frameworks of  celebrating the 205th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian writer, master of Language and Words Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev.  This event did not  only  produce a profound impact on the students, but also made a valuable contribution to their personal and cultural development.

The 3rd year students, undergraduaters, doctoral students  took part in the event. They  talked about  I.S. Turgenev`s  literary works, read his poems, analyzed some of his  stories.
The 1st year Master of degree Amurova U.B. told the  interesting facts about the writer and shared her opinion  of  his creativity in her presentation. The 3rd year students of 6B02307 – "Russian Philology"  major read his  poems, told about the life and  the work of the great poet. Doctoral student Makimova G.T.,  showed Turgenev's creative potential and  the ethical aspects of his works. The active discussion of the issues raised in the works allowed students not only to understand the writer's  literary heritage more deeply, but also to express  their own views on the current ethical dilemmas.

The event was focused on studying  I.S. Turgenev`s work through the prism of his lessons of wisdom and morality. A thoughtful approach to the organization allowed students not only to immerse themselves in the literary heritage of the writer, but also to discuss actively the ethical issues raised in his works.
At the end of the event, the participants were  awarded  etters of thanks  by the head of the "Russian Language and Culture" centre S.B.Begalieva.