KazNU celebrated the 125th anniversary of Temirbek Zhurgenov

6 december, 2023

The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted an international scientific-practical conference "Spiritual heritage of T. Zhurgenov and the goals of sustainable development of education".

The event, organized on the eve of the 90th anniversary of KazNU, was dedicated to the 125th anniversary of one of the founders of the university, statesman and public figure, Commissioner of National Education Temirbek Karauly Zhurgenov.

The event was attended by state and public figures, the leadership of the university, intellectuals, famous scientists, teachers and professors of the university, students.

The purpose of the conference is to popularize the life and spiritual heritage of Temirbek Zhurgenov, his merits in the development of science, education, culture and art of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

Dean of the Faculty of Journalism Temirgali Kopbayev spoke at the conference and read out a special congratulatory letter from the Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev. "The name of Temirbek Zhurgenov is well known not only to the Kazakh people, but also to the Turkic world as a whole. By the decision of the international organization TURKSOY, the year 2023 was officially declared "The Year of Temirbek Zhurgenov". His good name is inseparably connected with the history of KazNU. January 15, 1934 he founded the Kazakh State University named after S.Kirov. S.Kirov - nowadays Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi. Al-Farabi. He in his time was a bright representative of Kazakh intelligentsia, has great merits in the field of culture and art, education and science", - noted the rector in the letter.

A member of the Board of Al-Farabi KazNU - Vice-Rector for Scientific and Innovative Activities, Associate Professor Zhamila Aitzhanova also spoke at the event. "Being the commissioner of public education Temirbek Zhurgenov built 18 schools in Almaty and 400 in the republic. Temirbek Karauly was a public figure, writer, literary and theater critic, bright publicist, left behind seven books, more than 160 works. Our main duty should be to glorify such great personalities as T. Zhurgenov. We must convey our history to the younger generation, which is participating in today's event," the Vice-Rector said.

The chairman of the public fund named after T.Zhurgenov, holder of the order "Kurmet" Sapen Ansat, deputy chairman of the historical and educational society "Әdilet", author of the novel "Commissar Zhurgenov", famous historian, writer Beibit Koishybaev and other scientists took part in the conference.

Rector of the Kyrgyz State University of Culture and Art named after B. Beishenalieva Tumenbai Koldoshov took part in the event online and shared his opinion about the personality of the figure.

The conference continued with a panel session on "Problems of new education in the direction of humanities".