Issues of training specialists in accounting and auditing were discussed

19 january, 2024

In the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a round table meeting "Accounting and auditing: development and prospects", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the candidate of economic sciences, veteran teacher Madi Baydauletovich.

The event of international level was attended by members of the Ministry of Finance, management of KazNU, famous scientists from Indonesia, Czech Republic, Poland, representatives of intellectuals and universities, teaching staff, young people of the university.

The meeting of the round table was opened by the member of the Board - Vice-Rector for scientific and innovative activity Zhamila Aitzhanova, who congratulated the jubilee on behalf of the rector of KazNU Zhanseit Tuimebaev and the whole staff. Also in her speech the vice-rector dwelled on the labor activity of the veteran teacher.

"In 1972, Madi Baidauletov entered the Almaty Institute of National Economy, specializing in "Accounting in Agriculture". He graduated from this educational institution in 1976. In 2005, he defended his PhD thesis on "Production costs and accounting and audit of camel farm products".

He started his labor activity as a senior engineer in the Central Department of Statistics. Till today Madi Baidauletovich worked in different positions. Now he fruitfully works at the university to train qualified personnel in the field of economics and finance. Having formed his scientific school, he has brought up a lot of students", - said the Vice-Rector.

In turn, the Dean of the Higher School of Economics and Business Leila Bimendieva noted: "Madi Baidauletovich treats his work with integrity and responsibility. This year marks 45 years of teaching activity of Madi Baidauletovich. To this day, in parallel with teaching, he has written several books. He is the author of 8 textbooks and manuals on disciplines "Accounting", "Financial Accounting", "Audit", more than 80 scientific and informative articles. His works are used today in the educational process of the university".

At the roundtable meeting the participants discussed the issues of training competitive, highly qualified specialists in the field of accounting and auditing.   

Professor of the College of Islamic Economics and Law in Indonesia Ahmad Afandi, Doctor of Economics, Professor Utegali Shedenov, Professor of Bialystok University of Technology in Poland Cherewach Katarzyna spoke at the meeting. Also representatives of L.N.Gumilev Eurasian National University, Turan and Narkhoz Universities, Kazakh National Agrarian University, KazUMOIMYA named after Abylai Khan congratulated the prominent scientist on his jubilee. Abylai Khan.

At the end of the meeting Madi Baidauletovich expressed words of appreciation and gratitude to the audience.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University