Meetings of colleagues and an open lecture by St. Petersburg State University Professor R.J. Muhamedrahimov “Scientific foundations of early assistance to children and their families”

24 january, 2024

January 24, 2024 at the Department of General and Applied Psychology and the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of Al-Farabi KazNU, as part of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals of Kazakhstan (SDG 3 - Health and Well-Being, SDG 17 - Partnership for Sustainable Development), a number of events took place.

1) A meeting was held with the dean of the faculty, PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor Meirbaev Bekzhan Berikbaevich with the Head of the Department of Mental Health and Early Support of Children and Parents of the Faculty of Psychology of St. Petersburg State University, Doctor of Psychology, Professor Muhamedrahimov Rifkat Jaudatovich (, with the participation of the Deputy Dean for Research and Innovation and International Relations, PhD in Pedagogy, Alchimbaeva A.B., Head of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Mynbaeva A.K., Head of the Department of Sociology and Social Work, Doctor of Sociology, Professor Abdirayimova G.S., Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Educational Management, PhD in Pedagogy, Professor Algozhaeva N.S., and Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology, PhD in Psychology, Kabakova M.P.

During the meeting, issues of scientific and educational cooperation were discussed: dual diploma educational programs, academic mobility of students, membership in dissertation councils, joint research grant projects, advanced training courses, participation in conferences.

Also, Professor Muhamedrahimov R.J. spoke about a new interdisciplinary direction - early assistance to children and their families (early intervention), shared scientific and applied experience in the implementation of this direction in the Russian Federation. He expressed the hope that the Department of General and Applied Psychology of Al-Farabi KazNU will act as a center for scientific and methodological support of the emerging early intervention service and assistance to children and their families in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In conclusion, he thanked his colleagues for the dialogue and meeting.


2) There was an open lecture by Doctor of Psychology, Professor Muhamedrahimov Rifkat Jaudatovich for bachelor’s students, master’s students, doctoral students of the EP “Psychology” on the topic: “Scientific foundations of early assistance to children and their families.” The lecture provided an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of mental health and early accompaniment of children and parents. The areas of scientific research that have become the basis of early intervention are: Mental Health, Developmental Psychology, Pediatrics, Developmental Neurobiology, Effectiveness of Childhood Programs, Economics, Effectiveness of Early Intervention. The lecture was held at a high scientific, theoretical and methodological level; students and teachers really liked it for its content, novelty, great applied and practical aspect, special emotional involvement and interest of the lecturer in this topic.




3) After the lecture, professional communication continued at the department of general and applied psychology with the teachers of the department - Professor Akhtaeva N.S., Associate Professor Kalymbetova E.K., Acting Professor Sadvakasova Z.M., Associate Professor Sadykova N.M., doctoral students with the direct participation of the head of department, Professor Aigerim Kazyevna Mynbaeva. Issues of further scientific cooperation and the possibility of creating a new psychological laboratory at the department to diagnose the interaction between mother and child were discussed. At the end of the meeting, Rifkat Jaudatovich was presented with books from the department’s teachers.

Organizer: Kabakova M.P., Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology.